last update: March 2025

        welcome to the home page of  Ron Zevenhoven

Ph.D., Chem.Eng. (TU Delft), Marie Curie Fellow, etc.etc.

Professor in Engineering Thermodynamics and Modelling

at Åbo Akademi University, Turku Finland

Thermal and Flow Process and Systems Engineering Laboratory

as of November 1, 2005    click here for link

                                For the text of my prof. installation / inauguration lecture, April 21 2006:
                    click here for English, click here for Swedish, click here for Dutch

I am a Dutch citizen living in Finland: click here if you wonder why I do not have (also) Finnish citizenship

in Finland since April 19, 1993 (in Livermore, CA, Nov. 1999 - Jan. 2000)

Whatever brings you here, this might be the info you're looking for:

H-index (March 2025):   Ron &  R.  &  C.A.P. Zevenhoven

Web of Science   h-index 41                           6254 citations from 4025 citing publications to 197 publications

Scopus 1995+ h-index 46                    7287 citations from 4657 citing publications to 238 publications 

Google scholar h-index = 57                                10562 citations, i10 index 133


ORCID: 0000-0002-1031-5861

Education and Academic Positions

·        Dec. 1963 Born in Zoeterwoude (just outside Leiden), the Netherlands

·        Jan. 1988 M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands

·        Dec. 1992 Ph.D. (Eng) from Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands

·        May 1993 - Jul. 1997 Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
Prof. (docent) "Technology of solid fuels" (May 1997 - Oct. 2005)

·        Aug. 1997 - Jul. 2004 Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Adjunct Prof. (dosentti) "Technology and chemistry of combustion and gasification processes" (Jan. 1999- Jan. 2004)
Adjunct Prof. (dosentti) "Clean combustion engineering and thermal treatment of waste" (Feb. 2004 - Feb. 2009)

·        Aug. 2004 - Jul. 2010 Post-doc Research Fellow for the Academy of Finland, project site Helsinki University of Technology.

But the latter was interrupted because of:

·        Nov. 2005 - ? (permanent position) Full Professor in Engineering Thermodynamics and Modelling
at Åbo Akademi University, Faculty of Technology, Chemical and Process Engineering Department,

Thermal and Flow Engineering/ Värme- och strömningsteknik (until 2009: Heat Engineering / Värmeteknik) Laboratory,

as of August 2019 this is part of the larger Process and Systems Engineering Laboratory,

Faculty of Science and Engineering, Åbo Akademi University, Turku Finland

Special tasks, prizes & awards, special stipendia

·        So far supervised + co-supervised 14 + 5 finalised Dr. theses , 7 finalised Lic. tech. theses ; about 65 Master's theses and quite a few B.Sc. tech theses

·        Ongoing Dr. thesis projects (8)

·        Expert tasks and special assignments listed here

·        Prizes, awards and special stipendia listed here (incl. few molecules of the Nobel Peace Prize 2007 after writing text for IPCC)

·        Invited presentations and invited course lectures are listed here

Publications and patents

·        Thesis + books/chapters in books, policy report + (course) textbooks (1 + 16 + 2)

·        List of publications 1: Refereed journal papers (about 180 so far)

·        List of publications 2: Refereed papers in conference proceedings etc. (about 95)

·        List of publications 3: Non-refereed papers, or only abstract review (I don't count these ....)

·        Reports in university publication series

·        The media: daily magazines, popular press, television, …

·        Patents (2)

Teaching / course responsibility at Åbo Akademi University

Second year courses (andra årskursen), lectures in Swedish:

·        Course 424101 Processteknikens grunder (Introduction to Process Engineering) 6 sp - until 2015/2016

·        Course 424302 Massöverföring och separationsteknik (Mass transfer and separation processes) 7 sp– until 2015/2016

·        Course 424104 Processteknik (Process engineering) 5 sp – as of 2016/2017 until 2019/2020

·        Course 424105 Separationsteknik (Separation processes) 5 sp – as of 2016/2017, January-March each year

·        BSc chem eng thesis supervision

Advanced courses (fördjupade studier), lectures in English:

·        Course 424503 Refrigeration engineering (earlier: Kylteknik) 4 sp - until 2014/2015 when expanded to 5 sp

·        Course 424508 Transport processes (earlier: Transportprocesser) 4 sp - until 2015/2016 when expanded to 5 sp

·        Course 424304 Process engineering thermodynamics 4 sp - as of 2008/2009 – until 2014/2015 when expanded to 5 sp

·        Course 424514 Fluid and particulate systems 4 sp (replaces earlier course Basic Fluid Mechanics) - as of 2009/2010 when expanded to 5 sp

·        Course 424519 Refrigeration (Kylteknik) 5sp – as of 2020/2021 given each year September-October

Course 424520 Advanced process thermodynamics 5 sp – given every second year Spring 2021, 2023, 2025….

·        Course 424521 Fluid and particulate systems 5 sp   until 2019/2020

·        Course 424522 Transport processes 5 sp – given every second year Spring 2022, 2024, 2026, ….

·        Course PS00CD62 Fluids, particles and CFD 5 sp – new as of 2020-2021 given every second year Autumn  2023, 2025, … .(replaces 424521 + 424514)

·        Course 424512 Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics 5 sp

·        Course 4245xx Seminar course / Special assignment in thermal and flow engineering


See you & take care – keep up the good work & never give up.