(of these there is a manuscript,
sometimes as a presentation.....NOTE: this list may not be complete.)
“CO2 mineralisation using
serpentinites – a feasibility study for Finnish rock using LCA”
R. Zevenhoven, N. Häggqvist
Abstract submitted to ICCDU2025, 22nd
International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization, Lisbon, Portugal, June
23-27, 2025
”Regeneration of acid and alkaline
solutions from K2SO4 and Na2SO4
using bipolar membrane electrodialysis as part of a CO2 sequestration
process ”
E. Koivisto, B. Hägglund, R. Zevenhoven
Presented at EuroMembrane 2024, Prague,
Czech Republic, Sept. 8-12, 2024
”De-carbonization of European Dairy
industry – integration, performance estimates, and environmental impact
of a very high temperature heat pump”
K. Högnabba, T.-M. Tveit, R. Zevenhoven , S. Vittor
in: Zühldorf, B., Nekså, P., Elmegaard,
B. (Eds.) 4th
High-Temperature Heat Pump Symposium – Book of Presentations,
Copenhagen, Denmark, January 23-24, 2024,
pp. 85-94 click here for pdf
“MAGNEX and PILCCU in Finland: deployment
of CO2 mineralisation in circular economies”
R. Zevenhoven, P. Kinnunen, J. Levänen, H. Pirinen, E.
Presentation at Baltic Carbon Forum 2023,
Riga, Latvia, Oct. 12-13, 2023 click here for abstract pdf
”HighLift – a very high temperature heat
pump for industrial use – key results from a Horizon2020 Fast Track to
Innovation Project”
T.-M. Tveit, S. Vittor, R. Zevenhoven
in: Zühldorf, B., Bantle, M. Elmegaard,
B. (Eds.) 3rd High-Temperature Heat Pump Symposium – Book of
Copenhagen, Denmark, March 29-30, 2022
(ISBN 978-87-7475-697-2) pp.
133-141 click here for pdf
“Process routes for stepwise CO2
mineralisation using serpentinite”
R. Zevenhoven
Presented (on-line) at Carbon management
and climate change: CO2 conversion/mineralization, Qatar, February
15-16, 2022
“Several Process Routes for Step-wise
Carbonation of Serpentinite - When Use Which?”
R. Zevenhoven, N. Häggqvist
Presented (on-line) at ACEME2021,
Tallinn, Estonia, May 18-21, 2021 click here for a manuscript (SSRN)
“Performance of an amine-based CO2
capture pilot plant at the Klemetsrud waste incinerator in Oslo, Norway”
J. Fagerlund, C. Biliyok, T. Mikoviny, C.
J. Nielsen, M. Tednes, L. Thomas, J. Thomassen, A. Wisthaler, A. Zhurkin, R.
Presented at the 15th Int. Conf. on
Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies GHGT-15,
Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 5-8, 2020,
March 16-19, 2021
“Energy requirements for recovery of
(metallic) nanoparticulate material from waste”
R. Zevenhoven
Presented at 2019 World Resources Forum
Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, October 22 – 24, 2019 (paper 110) click here for pdf
“Serpentinite carbonation using the Åbo
Akademi routes – status update”
R. Zevenhoven, , M. Slotte, E. Koivisto, R. Erlund
Presented at ACEME2018, Newcastle NSW,
Australia, March 10-14, 2018
“Transforming phosphogypsum waste into
products with market value”
Ron Zevenhoven, Victor Morales-Flórez,
Alberto Santos, Luis Esquivias
Presented at 2017 World Resources Forum
Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, October 24 – 25, 2017 (paper 191)
“Separations from water streams during CO2
E. Koivisto, R. Zevenhoven
Presented at the 1st
International Conference on Sustainable Water Processing, Meliá Sitges, Spain,
September 11-14, 2016
“Serpentinite carbonation process routes
and integration in industry”
R. Zevenhoven, E. Koivisto, R. Erlund, M. Slotte
Plenary presentation (by RZ) at ICCDU
XIV, 14th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU2016),
Sheffield, UK, September 11-15, 2016
“Life cycle (and energy efficiency)
analysis of processes and products based on metallic nanoparticles”
R. Zevenhoven, M. Slotte
Symposium: Synthesis of functional
nanomaterials: fundamental understanding, scale-up and design for applications,
Duisburg, Germany, January 20-21, 2016
“A numerical
Euler-Lagrange method for bubble tower CO2 dissolution modelling”
Legendre, D.,
Zevenhoven, R.
Comsol conference
Grenoble, France, October 14-16, 2015
“Fixation of CO2 in inorganic
carbonates for large-scale CO2 emissions mitigation and waste
streams valorization”
R. Zevenhoven
Presented (keynote) at ICCDU XIII, 13th
International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU2015), Singapore,
July 5-9, 2015
“Overview of the ÅAU/ICES Collaboration
in Ex-Situ CO2 Mineralization”
J. Highfield, J. Åbacka, J. Chen, E.
Nduagu, R. Zevenhoven
Presented (poster) at ICCDU XIII, 13th
International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU2015), Singapore,
July 5-9, 2015
“Mineral carbonation of phosphogypsum
waste for production of useful carbonate and sulfate salts”
H.‐P. Mattila, P. Huhtala, M. Vahedi and R. Zevenhoven
Proc. of ACEME2015, New York City, USA,
June 21-24, 2015
“Fixation of CO2 in carbonates
of calcium or magnesium”
H.-P. Mattila, R. Zevenhoven
(postdoc keynote by H-PM) Proc. of
ACEME2015, New York City, USA, June 21-24, 2015
“Efficiency of energy use in nanomaterial
R. Zevenhoven
Presented at the Workshop on life cycle
evaluation and energy use for different production processes of nanomaterials,
Turku Finland, April 16, 2015.
” Modelling the path and size of a single
dissolving bubble in a bubble reactor”
D. Legendre, R. Zevenhoven.
Presented at MULTIPHASE 2014, the 15th
International Workshop on Trends in Numerical
and Physical Modeling for Industrial
Multiphase Flows , Cargese, Corsica (France), Oct. 12- 18, 2014
“Producing precipitated calcium carbonate
(PCC) from steelmaking slags using the slag2pcc concept”
H.-P. Mattila and R. Zevenhoven
Presented at the 2014 World Resources
Forum Conference, Arequipa, Peru, October 19 – 22, 2014.
“Mineralisation of CO2 using
serpentinite rock - towards industrial application”
Ron Zevenhoven, Mikko Helle
presented (by M Helle) at the IEA GHG /
IETS CCUS & Process Integration Workshop
Tokyo Inst. of Technol., Tokyo Japan, 5-7
November 2013
“Utilization of slags for CO2 mineral
carbonation in Finland”
S. Eloneva, A. Said, R. Zevenhoven, H.-P.
GEO ENeRGY – Newsletter of the ENeRG
Network, Issue 28, November 2013, p. 4
“Mineralisation of CO2 using
serpentinite rock - towards industrial application”
Ron Zevenhoven, Inês Romão, Martin Slotte
Presented at the 2013 World Resources
Forum Conference, Davos, Switzerland, October 6 – 9, 2013.
“Passive cooling against the (night) sky”
R. Zevenhoven, M. Fält
Invited lecture at 2013 Mechanical Engineering Annual
Conference on Sustainable Research and Innovation,
Jomo Kenyatta Univ. of Agriculture and
Technology, April 24-26, 2013, Kenya, Proceedings 2013 (Vol.5) p. 322-325
“Water promoted carbonation of brucite
and magnesia below 200°C”
J. Highfield, J. Chen, J. Bu, J. Åbacka,
J. Fagerlund, R. Zevenhoven
Proceedings of ACEME13, Leuven, Belgium,
April 10-12, 2013, pp. 161-172 click here for pdf
“Stepwise serpentinite carbonation using
the Åbo Akademi route – status and developments”
R. Zevenhoven, J. Fagerlund, E. Nduagu ,
I. Romão, M. Slotte
and J. Highfield
Proceedings of ACEME13, Leuven, Belgium,
April 10-12, 2013, pp. 391-400 click here for pdf
“Comparison of a mineral carbonation
process with geological carbon dioxide storage using a life cycle assessment
I. Stasiulaitiene, A. Babarskaite, D. Martuzevicius,
R. Zevenhoven
Proceedings of ACEME13, Leuven, Belgium,
April 10-12, 2013, pp. 501-504 click here for pdf
“BOF slag carbonation in aqueous NH4Cl-solutions:
steering product quality in a continuous process”
H.-P. Mattila, M. Slotte, A. Said, and R.
Proceedings of ACEME13, Leuven, Belgium,
April 10-12, 2013, pp. 547-550 click here for pdf
“Carbon storage by mineralisation (CSM):
serpentinite rock carbonation via Mg(OH)2
reaction intermediate without CO2 pre-separation”
Ron Zevenhoven, Johan Fagerlund,
Experience Nduagu, Inês Romão, Bu Jie, James Highfield
Int. Conf. on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Kyoto Japan, Nov. 18-22, 2012
“Process routes for the large-scale
carbonation of natural minerals and steelmaking slags - a European perspective”
Ron Zevenhoven
Abstract for invited lecture at the one
day Symposium; Mineral Carbonation: Large scale, safe, and permanent storage of
carbon dioxide
Hosted by Orica Mining Services and the
University of Sydney, Australia, 12 March 2012
“Fixation of CO2 as carbonates
of magnesium or calcium”
Ron Zevenhoven
Abstract for invited lecture at the 4th
EUCheMS Chemistry Congress, Symposium of Chemistry and CO2,
Czech Republic, 26-30 Aug 2012
“Production of papermaking grade calcium
carbonate precipitate from steelmaking slag – product quality and development
of a larger scale process”
Hannu-Petteri Mattila, Inga Grigaliūnaitė,
Arshe Said, Ron Zevenhoven
Proceedings of SCANMET IV, Luleå Sweden,
June 10-13, 2012, Vol. 2, p. 19-28
“Modeling a cooling skylight”
Martin Fält, Ron Zevenhoven
Presented at the Comsol conference in
Boston, MA, 13-15 October 2011
“Mg-silicate processing for CO2
emissions’ mitigation: Process integration options.”
Experience Nduagu, Ron Zevenhoven, David
W. Keith
Presented at the 61st Canadian Chemical
Engineering Conference, London, Ontario from October 23-26, 2011.
“CO2 Sequestration with
Portuguese Serpentinite and Peridotite”
Inês Romão, Licíno M. Gando-Ferreira, Igor
Morais, Manuela da Vinha, Johan Fagerlund and Ron Zevenhoven
Presented at Clean Air 2011, Lisbon,
Portugal, July 2011
“Scale-up and optimization of production
of precipitated calcium carbonate from steelmaking slag”
Hannu-Petteri Mattila, Ron Zevenhoven
Presented at ICCDU-XI, Dijon, France, June 2011
“The promoter effect of steam in
gas-solid CO2 mineralisation”
James Highfield, Jie Bu, Johan Fagerlund,
Ron Zevenhoven
Presented (as poster) at ICCDU-XI, Dijon,
France, June 2011
“CO2 sequestration by
mineralization: Flux extraction of soluble Mg & direct carbonation of
Mg-rich solids induced by high-energy ball milling”
J. Highfield, H. Q. Lim, T. Björklöf, J.
Fagerlund, J. Bu, R. Zevenhoven
Presented (as poster) at ICCE2011,
Dalian, China, April 2011
“Production of magnesium hydroxide from
magnesium silicate for the purpose of CO2 mineralisation and
increasing ocean alkalinity: effect of
reaction parameters”
Experience Nduagu, Ron Zevenhoven
In: Proceedings of ACEME10, Turku
Finland, Nov. 29 – Dec. 1, 2010, 31-40
“Assessment and improvement of a stepwise
magnesium silicate carbonation route via MgSO4 and Mg(OH)2”
Ron Zevenhoven, Thomas Björklöf, Johan
Fagerlund, Inês Romão, James Highfield, Bu Jie
In: Proceedings of ACEME10, Turku
Finland, Nov. 29 – Dec. 1, 2010, 41-49
“CO2 sequestration with
Portuguese serpentinite”
Inês Romão, Licínio M. Gando Ferreira, Johan
Fagerlund, Ron Zevenhoven,
In: Proceedings of ACEME10, Turku
Finland, Nov. 29 – Dec. 1, 2010, 77-87
“Carbonation of Mg(OH)2
produced from serpentinite rock: integration for integrated gasification
combined cycle”
Arshe Said, Sanni Eloneva, Carl-Johan
Fogelholm, Johan Fagerlund, Experience Nduagu, Ron Zevenhoven,
In: Proceedings of ACEME10, Turku
Finland, Nov. 29 – Dec. 1, 2010, 157-165
“Ammonium salt based steelmaking slag
carbonation: precipitation of CaCO3”
Eloneva S., Said A., Mannisto P.,
Fogelholm C.‐J., Zevenhoven R,
In: Proceedings of ACEME10, Turku
Finland, Nov. 29 – Dec. 1, 2010, 169-178
”Recent developments on the carbonation
of serpentinite- derived Mg(OH)2 using a pressurised fluidised bed”.
J. Fagerlund, E. Nduagu, R. Zevenhoven.
Presented at GHGT-10, Amsterdam (NL),
September 2010 (poster)
“Carbonation of serpentinite rock from
Lithuania and Finland”
I. Stasiulaitiene, J. Fagerlund, E. Nduagu, G.
Denafas, R. Zevenhoven
Presented at GHGT-10, Amsterdam (NL),
September 2010 (poster)
“Integrated carbon capture and storage
for oxyfuel combustion process by using carbonation of Mg(OH)2
produced from serpentinite rock”
Said, A., Eloneva, S., Fogelholm, C.-J.,
Fagerlund, J., Nduagu, E. and Zevenhoven
Presented at GHGT-10, Amsterdam (NL),
September 2010 (poster)
“Simulation of thermodynamic properties
of Lithuanian minerals for CO2 sequestration”
I. Stasiulaitiene, G. Denafas, R. Zevenhoven,
Presented at CYSENI2010, May 27-28,
Kaunas, Lithuania
”Progress with the carbonation of
serpentinite-derived Mg(OH)2 using a pressurised fluidised bed”.
J. Fagerlund, E. Nduagu, R. Zevenhoven.
Proc. of i-SUP2010, Bruges (BE), April
2010, part 5, p. 50-55
“Precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC)
production from steelmaking slag using an ammonium salt solvent cycle process”
Zevenhoven R., Fält M., Mattila H.-P., Forsman, A.-M., and Eloneva S.
Proc. of i-SUP2010, Bruges (BE), April
2010, part 5, p. 64-68
“Ammonia emissions control during
precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) production from steelmaking slags
Eloneva S., Mannisto P., Said A.,
Fogelholm C.-J. and Zevenhoven R.
Proc. of
i-SUP2010, Bruges (BE), April 2010 (poster)
“Automotive shredder residue (ASR) processing
in Finland”
Ron Zevenhoven, Anders Wiklund, Loay
In: Proc. of R'09, Davos (Switzerland), Sept. 14-16, 2009
(paper 146)
“Mineralisation of CO2 and
recovery of iron using serpentinite rock”
Ron Zevenhoven, Johan Fagerlund,
Experience Nduagu, Inês Romão
In: Proc. of R´09 (1 page poster), Davos
(Switzerland), Sept. 14-16, 2009 (paper 149)
“An experimental study of Mg(OH)2
J. Fagerlund, R. Zevenhoven
Presented at The 5th Trondheim Conference
on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage
16-17 June, 2009, Trondheim. Norway
“CO2 emissions: mineral
carbonation and Finnish pulp and paper industry (CO2 Nordic Plus)
Use ofserpentinites in energy and metal
industry (ECOSERP)”
Fogelholm, C-.J., Eloneva, S., Zevenhoven,
R., Teir, S., Lepistö (f. Raiski), T., Savolahti, J.,
Pääkkönen, K., Sorjonen-Ward, P., Aatos, S.,
Kontinen, A., Kuivasaari, T.
In Tekes/Climbus 2004-2008 Final
Report, p. 292-302
“Production of precipitated calcium
carbonatefrom industrial by-product slags (Slag2PCC)”
Zevenhoven, R., Teir, S., Eloneva, S., Savolahti, J.
In Tekes/Climbus 2004-2008 Final Report,
p. 304-313
“Reduction of CO2 emissions
and utilization of slagproducts by producing calcium-based products
from carbonate-free slag products
(Slag2PCC Plus)”
Fogelholm, C.-J., Tveit, T.-M., Eloneva, S., Said, A.,
Revitze, H., Zevenhoven, R., Mattila, H.-P., Forsman, A.-M, Fält, M,
In Tekes/Climbus 2004-2008 Final Report,
p. 314-323
“A stepwise process for carbon dioxide
sequestration using magnesium silicates”
J. Fagerlund, E. Nduagu, I. Romão, R. Zevenhoven
Presented at ICCDU-X, 10th International
Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization,
May 17-21, 2009 Tianjin, China
“Carbonation of calcium-containing
minerals and industrial by-products”
R. Zevenhoven, A. Wiklund, J. Fagerlund, S.
Eloneva, B. in ’t Veen, H. Geerlings, G. van Mossel, H. Boerrigter
Presented at ICCDU-X, 10th International
Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization,
May 17-21, 2009 Tianjin, China
“CO2 fixation by mineral
matter; the potential of different mineralization routes”
Ron Zevenhoven, Johan Fagerlund
Invited presentation at the CCS session
(session 17) (March 11, 2009) of the
IARU Scientific Congress on Climate
Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions,
Copenhagen (Denmark) March 10-12, 2009
“Combustion in dual-fuelled gas engines -
The effect of LCV-gases and detonation sensitivity”
Arto Sarvi , Jorma Jokiniemi, Jussi
Lyyränen, Ron Zevenhoven
Presented at the IFRF Finnish-Swedish
Flame Days, Jan. 28-29, 2009 Naantali, Finland
“CO2 emissions mitigation in
Finland by carbonation of silicate minerals and industrial wastes”
R Zevenhoven , J Fagerlund, A Wiklund, E
Nduagu, A-M Forsman, M Fält, H-P
Mattila, S Eloneva, A Said
Presented at the IFRF Finnish-Swedish
Flame Days, Jan. 28-29, 2009 Naantali, Finland
“Carbonation of magnesium silicate
mineral using a pressurized gas-solid process”
J. Fagerlund, S. Teir, E. Nduagu, R.
poster presentation at GHGT-9, Washington
(DC), November 16-20, 2008,
“Motivations for carbonating magnesium
silicates using a gas-solid process route”
R. Zevenhoven, J. Sipilä, S. Teir,
Presentation at ACEME-08, Rome (Italy)
October 1-3, 2008
“Pure calcium carbonate product from the
carbonation of steelmaking slag”
S. Eloneva, S. Teir, J. Salminen, H.
Revitzer, A.-M. Forsman, R. Zevenhoven, C.-J. Fogelholm
Presentation at ACEME-08, Rome (Italy)
October 1-3, 2008
“Reduction of CO2 emissions from steel
plants by using steelmaking slags for
production of marketable calcium
S. Eloneva, S. Teir, C.-J. Fogelholm, R.
Proc. of SCANMET III, Luleå (Sweden) June
8-11, 2008, p. 207-216.
”CO2 mineralisation literature review update
R-. Zevenhoven, J. Sipilä, S. Teir
Greenhouse Issues, No. 90, June 2008,
“Uranium and cesium in bituminous coal
and coal fly ash and their effects in the environment for
twelve coal-producing countries”
A.B, Mukherjee, R. Zevenhoven, K.S.
Presented at SETAC North America 28th
meeting, Milwaukee (WI), Nov. 11-15, 2007 (poster)
"An assessment of sewage sludge
processing options in the region of Turku, Finland
J. Sipilä, U. Kääntee, R. Zevenhoven
in: Proc. of R'07, Davos (Switzerland), Sept. 3-5, 2007. paper 85 (poster)
“Simulation, evaluation and optimisation
of alternative fuels”
U. Kääntee, R. Backman, M. Hupa, R.
in: Proc. of R'07, Davos (Switzerland),
Sept. 3-5, 2007. paper 78
"CO2 sequestration by
carbonation of minerals and industrial by-products in Finland"
R. Zevenhoven, S. Teir, S. Eloneva, S. Aatos, P. Sorjonen-Ward
in: Proc. of R'07, Davos (Switzerland),
Sept. 3-5, 2007. paper 72
"A model study on two-phase flow
from a blast furnace tap-hole”
R. Zevenhoven, T. Granvik, A. Hermanson, H. Saxén
in: Proc. of ICMF-07, Leipzig (Germany)
July 9-13, 2007. abstract 550, paper S4_Fri_B_66
“Reduction of CO2 emissions
for steel plants by using by-product slag for production of calcium carbonate.”
Eloneva, S,
Teir S., Fogelholm, C.-J., Zevenhoven, R.
Presented at ICCDU-IX, Kingston, ON,
Canada, July 8-12, 2007.
"Thermal processing of problematic
solid waste by two-stage fluidised bed combustion"
R. Zevenhoven, J. Savolahti, L. Saeed, A. Tohka
presented at Clean Power 2006, Lahti (Finland) Sept. 6-7, 2006
"Carbonation of serpentine tailings
and industrial residues for CO2 sequestration"
S. Teir, S. Eloneva, S. Aatos, R. Zevenhoven
presented at Clean Power 2006, Lahti (Finland) Sept. 6-7, 2006
"Trace elements release during
fluidised bed pyrolysis of ASR"
Jaakko Savolahti, L. Saeed, R. Zevenhoven
presentated at Clean Power 2006, Lahti (Finland) Sept. 6-7, 2006
"Mercury Flow via Coal and Coal
Combustion By-Products: A Global Prospective"
Arun B. Mukherjee, Ron Zevenhoven, Kenneth S. Sajwan, Jörg Matschullat, Prosun
presented at the 8th Int. Conf. on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Madison (WI),
August 6-11, 2005
"The Nordic CO2
sequestration project"
T. Mattisson, A. Lyngfelt, R. Zevenhoven, T. Gundersen, E.H. Stenby, R. Kuusik,
G. Denafas, A. Ilinsky, D. Blumberga
presented (as poster) at GHGT-8, Trondheim (Norway) June 19-22, 2006
"A study on MgO-based mineral
carbonation kinetics using pressurised thermogravimetric analysis"
Ron Zevenhoven, Sanni Eloneva, Sebastian Teir
presented (as poster) at GHGT-8, Trondheim (Norway) June 19-22, 2006
"Reduction of CO2
emissions by production of calcium carbonates from calcium slicates and
steel-making slags"
S. Teir, S. Eloneva, C.-J. Fogelholm, R. Zevenhoven
presented at the Fifth Annual Conference on Carbon Capture & Sequestration,
Alexandria (VA), May 2006
"Carbonation of Finnish magnesium
silicates for CO2 sequestration"
S. Teir, S. Eloneva, S. Aatos, O.-P. Isomäki, C.-J. Fogelholm, R. Zevenhoven
presented (as poster ) at the Fifth Annual Conference on Carbon Capture &
Sequestration, Alexandria (VA), May 2006
"Reduction of CO2
emissions by carbonating iron- and steel slags for PCC production"
Sanni Eloneva, Sebastian Teir, Carl-Johan Fogelholm, Ron Zevenhoven
presented at the 31st Int. Conf. on Coal Utilisation and Fuel Systems,
Clearwater, (FL), May 2006
"CO2 sequestration by
carbonation of Finnish magnesium silicates"
Sebastian Teir, Sanni Eloneva, Carl-Johan Fogelholm, Ron Zevenhoven
presented at the 31st Int. Conf. on Coal Utilisation and Fuel Systems,
Clearwater, (FL), May 2006
"Silikaattimineraalien karbonoiminen
hiilidioksidin loppusijoitusmenetelmän Suomen oloissa"
S. Teir, S. Aatos, A. Kontinen, R. Zevenhoven, O.-P. Isomäki
Materia 2006 / 1, 42-48 (ISSN 1459 - 9694)
"Global arsenic and antimony flow
through coal and their cycling in groundwater environment
A. B. Mukherjee, P. Bhattacharya, R. Zevenhoven, J. Matschullat
presented at the Int. Conf. Groundwater for sustainable development; Problems,
Perspectives and Challenges (IGC-2006),
New Delhi, India, Feb. 1-4, 2006
"Mineral carbonation for long-term
storage of carbon dioxide - Results from R\&D in Finland"
Ron Zevenhoven, Sebastian Teir, Sanni Eloneva, Soile Aatos
presented at the AGU Fall 2005 meeting, San Francisco (CA), December 5-9, 2005
"Storage of CO2 as
carbonates in Finland - the latest results"
Ron Zevenhoven et al.
presented at the 4th Nordic Mini-symposium on CO2 Capture and
Storage, Espoo, Finland, Sept. 8-9, 2005
"Carbonation of slags from iron- and
steel industry"
Sanni Eloneva, Sebastian Teir, Ron Zevenhoven
presented at the 4th Nordic Mini-symposium on CO2 capture and storage, Espoo,
Finland, Sept. 8-9, 2005
"Chemical fixation of CO2 in
carbonates: routes to valuable products and long-term storage"
Ron Zevenhoven, Sanni Eloneva, Sebastian Teir
invited lecture at the 8th Int. Conf. on Carbon Dioxide Utilisation
(ICCDU-VII), Oslo, June 19-23, 2005
"CO2 capture and storage
technologies: what can we do in Finland?"
Ron Zevenhoven
presentation at Tekes Climbus seminar, Hyvinkää, Finland, June 7, 2005
"Long-term CO2 storage as mineral
carbonates in Finland (including tests in an FB reactor"
Ron Zevenhoven, Sanni Eloneva, Sebastian Teir
presented at the 50th IEA FBC meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 22, 2005
"From problematic waste to energy -
Recognition award to Finland for research facility"
(in Finnish: Ongelmajätteistä energiaa - Suomeen tunnustuspalkinto
Ympäristö+Tekniikka 2/2004, p. 6-7
"Mineral carbonation for long-term CO2
storage and Lithuanian mineral resources"
Inga Kavaliauskaite, S. Teir, G. Denafas, R. Zevenhoven
poster presented at the Second Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture,
Transport and Storage, Trondheim (Norway) October 24-26 2004
"Release of mercury and other trace
elements fro coal and waste-derived fuels during fluidised bed pyrolysis"
Ron Zevenhoven, Jaakko Savolahti, Vaidas Mikaitis, Loay Saeed
presented at the Nordic / Scandinavian Section of the Combustion Institute
Topical Meeting
on Aromatics, Aerosols and Metal Chemistry in Combustion, Lyngby (Denmark),
October 21-22, 2004
"Mineral carbonation for long-term
CO2 storage and Lithuanian mineral resources"
Inga Kavaliauskaite, Sebastian Teir, Gintaras Denafas, Ron Zevenhoven
presented at "Energy systems and the environment", conference at Riga
Technical University, Riga (Latvia), October 14-16, 2004
"Mercury in coal ash and its fate in
the Indian subcontinent"
Arun B. Mukherjee, Ron Zevenhoven
presented at the 7th Int. Conf. on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Ljubljana
(Slovenia) June 27- July 2, 2004, 2 pp.
"A two-stage fluidised bed
combustion process for high-PVC solid waste with HCl recovery"
Loay Saeed, Ron Zevenhoven
presented at the 48the IEA FBC meeting, Vienna (Austria), May 24-25, 2004
"Long term storage of CO2
as magnesium carbonate in Finland"
Ron Zevenhoven, Sebastian Teir
presented at the Third Annual Conference on Carbon Capture and Sequestration,
Alexandria (VA), May 3-6, 2004 (11 p.)
"Mineral carbonation and Finnish
pulp and paper industry"
Sebastian Teir, Tuulia Raiski, Inga Kavaliauskate, Gintaras Denafas, Ron
presented at the 29th Int. Conf. on Coal Utilization and Fuel Systems,
Clearwater (FL), April 2004
"Mineral carbonation in Finland - an
approach to implementation"
Jens Kohlmann, Ron Zevenhoven
presented at the 29th Int. Conf. on Coal Utilization and Fuel Systems,
Clearwater (FL), April 2004
"Greenhouse gas emissions from
combustion and their control"
Ron Zevenhoven
Ilmansuojelu 4/2003, 11-14
"Storage of CO2 as
mineral carbonates in Finland - latest results"
Ron Zevenhoven et al.
presented at the Third Nordic Minisymposium on Carbon Dioxide Capture and
Storage, Trondheim (Norway) October 1-2, 2003
"An exergy analysis for mineral
Inga Kavaliauskaite, Ron Zevenhoven, Gintaras Denafas
presented at "Environment, technology, resources", Rezekne (Latvia),
June 26-28, 2003
"Minimizing environmental impact and
improving synergism between mechanical and thermal processing of waste from
electrical and electronic equipment"
Antti Tohka, Harri Lehto, Loay Saeed, Ron Zevenhoven, Kari Heiskanen
presented at the International Symposium on Materials and Energy Recovery,
Skellefteå (Sweden) June 25-26, 2003
"Optimisation of two-stage
processing of high-PVC solid waste with HCl recovery"
Ron Zevenhoven, Loay Saeed, Antti Tohka, Carl-Johan Fogelholm
in: "Jätteiden energiakäyttö - teknologiaohjelma 1998-2001" (Waste to
energy - technology programme 1998-2001),
Loppurapportti / Final report 14/2003, Tekes, Helsinki(2003) pp. 117-122
"The behaviour of nitrogen from
polymers and plastics during combustion"
R. Zevenhoven, E.P. Axelsen, M. Elomaa, P. Kilpinen, M. Hupa
ibid., pp. 104-108
"Mineralu karbonizacija naudojama
ilgalakiam anglies dioksido sandelia vimiu (eksergijos analize)"
(in Lithuanian, "Mineral carbonation for long-term storage of CO2 (an
exergy analysis)")
Inga Kvaliauskaite, Ron Zevenhoven, Gintaras Denafas
presented at "Lietuva be mokslo -Lietuva be ateities" (Lithuania
without technology - Lithuanaa without future),
Vilnius (Lithuania) March 20, 2003
"CO2 capture, storage and
utilisation in Finland"
T. Koljonen, H. Siikavirta, R. Zevenhoven, J. Kohlmann, A.B. Mukherjee, L.
in: "Technology and Climate Change CLIMTECH 1999-2002", Technology
Programme Report 14/2002, Final report, Tekes, Helsinki (2002) pp. 145-155
"CO2 ja jätteet - energiatekniikan
nykyiset haasteet" (in Finnish; "CO2 and wastes -
nowaday's challenges for energy technology")
Ron Zevenhoven
Ympäristö+tekniikka 4 /2002 pp. 33-35
"CO2 capture, storage and
reuse potential in Finland"
Tiina Koljonen, Hanne Siikavirta, Ron Zevenhoven, Ilkka Savolainen
presented at GHGT-6 6th Int. Conf. on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies,
Kyoto (Japan), Sept. 30 - Oct. 4, 2001 (paper K4-2)
"Optimisation of two-stage
processing of high-PVC solid wastes"
Ron Zevenhoven, Loay Saeed, Antti Tohka
in: Power production from waste and biomass IV, April 8-10 2002, Espoo
(Finland), K. Sipilä, M. Rossi (Eds.)
VTT Symposium 222, Espoo 2002, pp. 341-349
"Direct dry mineral carbonation for
CO2 emissions reduction in Finland"
Ron Zevenhoven, Jens Kohlmann, Arun Mukherjee
Proc. of the 27th Int. Conf. on Coal Utilization and Fuel Systems, Clearwater
(FL), March 4-7, 2002, pp. 743-754 /CD-ROM)
"Experimental study on two-stage
combustion of high-PVC solid waste"
Loay Saeed, Ron Zevenhoven
Proc. of R'2002 Recovery Rcycling Re-integration, Geneva (Switzerland)
February 12-15, 2002, (CD-ROM) paper 101
"Cement manufacturing using
alternative fuels and the advantages of process modelling"
Ursula Kääntee, Ron Zevenhoven, Rainer Backman, Mikko Hupa
Proc. of R'2002 Recovery Recycling Re-integration, Geneva (Switzerland)
February 12-15, 2002, (CD-ROM) paper 216
"CO2 sequestration by
magnesium silicate mineral carbonation in Finland"
Ron Zevenhoven, Jens Kohlmann
Proc. of R'2002 Recovery Recycling Re-integration, Geneva (Switzerland)
February 12-15, 2002, (CD-ROM) paper 220
"CO2 sequestration by
mineral carbonation in Finland"
Ron Zevenhoven, Jens Kohlmann
presented (invited lecture) at the Second Nordic Minisymposium on Carbon
Dioxide Capture and Storage, Gothenburg (Sweden) October 26, 2001
"CFB reactors, CFD and
particle/turbulence interactions"
Ron Zevenhoven, Mika Järvinen
presented at the 4th Int. Conf. on Multiphase Flow (ICMF-2001), May 27 - June
1, 2001, New Orleans(LA)
"Non-ideal gases in diesel engine
Ron Zevenhoven
Proc. of the First biannual meeting & General section meeting of the
Scandinavian-Nordic section of the Combustion Institute,
Gothenburg (Sweden), April 18-20, 2001,
pp. 103-108
"The removal of CO2 from
flue gases using magnesium silicates, in Finland"
Jens Kohlmann, Ron Zevenhoven
Proc. of 11th Int. Conf. on Coal Science (ICCS-11), San Francisco (CA), Sept.
30- Oct. 5, 2001
"Rate controlling mechanisms during
black liquor char conversion - effect of particle size and temperature"
Mika Järvinen, Ron Zevenhoven, Esa Vakkilainen
presented at the Nordic Seminar on Single Particle Conversion, Nov. 20 2000,
Trondheim (Norway)
"Particle/turbulence interactions
and CFD modelling of dilute suspensions"
Ron Zevenhoven
presented at the Topical meeting on Modelling of combustion and combustion
of the Scandinavian/Nordic section of the Combustion Institute, November 15-16,
Turku, Finland
"Black liquor devolatilization and
swelling - detailed dropelt model and experimental validation"
Mika Järvinen, Ron Zevenhoven, Esa Vakkilainen, Mikael Forssen, Mikko Hupa
presented at "Behaviour of Inorganic Materials in Recovery Boilers"
Bar Harbor, Maine, (USA), June 4-9, 2000
M. Hupa, J. Matinlinna (Eds.), Vol. 1 (ISBN
952-12-0271-8) Turku, Finland (1998) p. 691-724