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Åbo Akademi University Press

Åbo Akademi University Press is the official organ for publications relating to Åbo Akademi University and its associated researchers. Its productions include mainly doctoral theses (monographs).

The following books are for sale at the Åbo Akademi’s webshop:

Väggarna talar – Åbo Akademis byggnader under hundra år

Åbo Akademis jubileumshistorik:
· Åbo Akademi och samhället
· Åbo Akademi och kunskapen
· Åbo Akademi i sin början 1918-1945
Click here for the webshop

tre böcker
Väggarna talar tells about Åbo Akademi University’s buildings, the history publication has three volumes.

Please note that the sale of all other ÅAU Press publications ended on January 1, 2024.


For general information about Åbo Akademi University Press:
Contact: Johanna Hedenborg
Phone: +358 (0)2 215 4793, e-mail: forlaget@abo.fi


The list of publications is updated in chronological order with the newest publications first. To the right you can find older publications.

Digital versions of doctoral dissertations are found in the publications repository Doria.

During this year the following publications have been issued by Åbo Akademi University Press:



Doctoral dissertation in Philosophy
Hulterström, Patrik:
From Play to Power: A Philosophical Inquiry into How
Educational Wargaming Can Help Cultivate Battlefield Acumen
Diss.: Åbo Akademi University
ISBN 978-952-389-068-8, ISBN 978-952-389-069-5 (digital), 206 s.

Doctoral dissertation in Systematic Theology
Lindén, Lilian:
C.S. Lewis and Idealism
Diss.: Åbo Akademi University
ISBN 978-952-389-064-0, ISBN 978-952-389-065-7 (digital), 327 s.

Doctoral dissertation in Systematic Theology
Lindqvist Hotz, Ewa:
Faran ropar mitt namn! Lydia Wahlström som politisk teologi
Diss.: Åbo Akademi
ISBN 978-952-389-066-4, ISBN 978-952-389-067-1 (digital; only summary), 231 s.

Doctoral dissertation in Law
Phillips, Stephen:
An Examination of Deterrence and Access to Asylum through Law, Rhetoric and Experience
Diss.: Åbo Akademi University
ISBN 978-952-389-062-6, ISBN 978-952-389-063-3 (digital; only summary), 266 s.

Doctoral dissertation in Church History
Antonsson, Niklas:
För samhällets bestånd och Guds rikes förkovran. Prästerskapets undervisning kring hushåll, barn och äktenskap i svenska postillor 1686–1770.
Diss.: Åbo Akademi
ISBN 978-952-389-060-2, ISBN 978-952-389-061-9 (digital), 252 s.

Doctoral dissertation in Law
Mustaniemi-Laakso, Maija:
From Charity to Legal Accountability? A Study on Extraterritorial Human Rights Accountability within Bilateral Development Cooperation
Diss.: Åbo Akademi University
ISBN 978-952-389-058-9, ISBN 978-952-389-059-6 (digital; only summary), 325 s.


Updated 9.9.2024