The next doctoral conferral ceremony at Åbo Akademi University will be arranged on Friday 23 May 2025. In preparation for the conferral, registration forms, practical instructions, etc, will be available on this webpage during the fall 2024 and winter 2025. Questions can kindly be directed to
For Promovendi
The doctoral hat symbolises academic freedom. Although the colour of the hat varies according to the university and faculty, all of the hat models used at Åbo Akademi University are black. The brim is flat, except for the Doctor of Science (Technology) hat, which is folded up on the sides. All hats are adorned with a lyre emblem except the Doctor of Theology hat, which has a ribbon.
The doctoral sword originates from the faculties of medicine. At Åbo Akademi University, the doctoral sword is carried by Doctors of Philosophy, Doctors of Philosophy (Psychology), Doctors of Philosophy (Education), Doctors of Philosophy (Pharmacy), Doctors of Health Sciences and Doctors of Laws.The shield of the doctoral sword used by Åbo Akademi University is adorned with the Brahe wings.
Insignia are the outward signs of the degree. All promovendi at Åbo Akademi University receive a doctoral hat and a diploma. The hat model and lyre emblem (or lack thereof) vary according to the academic field in question. Some degrees also come with other insignia: a doctoral sword or an embroidered collar/brooch.
All doctoral hats at Åbo Akademi University bear a lyre emblem except the hat for the Doctor of Theology, which is only adorned with a ribbon. A majority of the faculties at Åbo Akademi University have chosen to use the University of Helsinki’s philosophy lyre emblem, which is comprised of the academic lyre surrounded by a laurel wreath.
The lyre emblem used for Doctors of Technology is a benzene ring surrounded by a laurel wreath. The lyre emblem used for Doctors of Economics is comprised of the staff of Mercury, which has two snakes coiled around it and is surrounded by laurel leaves and lilies.
Information on hotels in Turku with a reserved quota of rooms for ÅAU promovendi is available under Accomodation for conferral ceremony participants 2025.
For detailed instructions regarding the attire at the doctoral conferral, please see Doctoral conferral attire.