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Doctoral sword

Doctoral sword

The doctoral sword is one of the insignia for Doctors of Philosophy, Doctors of Philosophy (Psychology), Doctors of Philosophy (Education), Doctors of Philosophy (Pharmacy), Doctors of Health Sciences and Doctors of Laws. If the doctoral sword is one of the insignia for your doctoral degree, you are required to have both the doctoral hat and sword for your conferral ceremony.

Åbo Akademi University will place a single group order for all promovendi who request a sword on the electronic registration form for the conferral ceremony (registration ends on 31 January 2025). Those who have ordered a sword will receive a “belt loop” for it well before the conferral ceremony.

If you do not order a sword for yourself, you may borrow one from an acquaintance, provided that the sword’s guard is adorned with the Brahe Wings. Those of you borrowing a sword will be given instructions on how to submit the sword prior to the conferral ceremony. Please put your name tag on the sword when leaving it with us so as to avoid any mix-ups. Follow the instructions given in the letters sent to you.


Åbo Akademi University doctoral sword.
Åbo Akademi University doctoral sword (here in length 85 cm)

Åbo Akademi University docoral sword.
The guard of the doctoral sword with Brahe Wings, gold plated, 24K.


Instructions for fastening the sword

Men fasten the belt loop on two buttons sewn on the left side of their trousers. One button is sewn to the outside of the trousers and the other to the inside of the waistband just in front of the outer seam. The distance from the top of the waistband should be approx 2.5 cm on both sides (check the distance on your loop). By fastening the loop this way, it will form a sort of clasp, which is partly secured by the two buttons and partly by the waistband. Afterwards, the sword height can be adjusted approx. 2.5 cm up or down by cinching the loop.

Women can hang their swords using the belt loop. Each female promovendus is responsible for purchasing her own belt, which must be black and as discreet as possible. If it is difficult to hang the sword on a belt, sword purveyors also offer a special solution. In such cases, turn to Au-Holmberg Goldsmiths in Turku.

See also: Instructions for the belt loop, with illustrations (in Finnish) or in Swedish here Instruktioner för fästremmen, med bild

Updated 17.12.2024