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Cross-Institutional studies at the Faculty of Science and Engineering

Cross-Institutional studies at the Faculty of Science and Engineering

The Faculty of Science and Engineering offers a number of different agreements for cross-institutional studies (ristiinopiskelu). Only students within specific programs can be awardes a study-right through cross-institutional studes. More information om the diferent agreements can be found below.

Information on regular JOOPAS study-rights are found through the links on the right.

Upon completion of the course, the credits completed by students from Åbo Akademi University must be transferred to ÅAU from the partner university. Information on credit transfer to ÅAU is found on the intranet.

Åbo Akademi University and the University of Helsinki has agreed upon cross-institutional studies for students within the master’s programmes in Pharmacy. Students within the master’s programmes in Pharmacy can complete courses at the other universty free of charge.

Students with the right to take courses through the cross-institutional agreement can continously apply for a study-right, but at least two months before the course in questuion starts. The study-right is active for once year and end at the end of the academic year (31.7).

The teacher responsible for the course can limit the number of students participating in the course and decide on which prerequisites need to be fulfuilled to participate in the course. The teacher has the right to deny access to the course if the course is full or if the student does not fulfil the prerquisites. Students at the organizing university has first access to the course. Courses given at Åbo Akademi Universty can be given in Swedish and might include mandatory on-site sessions.

The completed courses should be included in the master’s degree in Pharmacy.

Studies at the University of Helsinki

More information on the courses offered by the University of Helsinki can be found here

Students from Åbo Akademi University can apply for a study right at the Universty of Helsinki here

Studies at Åbo Akademi Universty

Courses offered by Åbo Akademi Universty are:

FA00CD33 Farmaceutisk mikrobiologi, 5 sp
FA00CB71 Good Manufacturing Practice in Pharmaceutical Industry, 2-3 sp
280091.0 Läkemedelskemi, 5 sp
280094.0 Biogena läkemedel, 5 sp
284013.0 Farmaceutisk nanoteknologi, 5 sp
284018.0 Läkemedelssäkerhet och kliniska prövningar, 5 sp
FA00CJ76 Klinisk farmaci och sjukhusfarmaci 5 sp

BK00CD28 Structural Bioinformatics in Biomedicine, 5 sp
BK00CB37 Bioinnovation, 5 sp

FK00BM74 Advanced colloid chemistry, 5 sp
NM00CE19 Basics of Rheology, 5 sp
NM00CD65 Biobased Materials and Health, 5 sp
263104.0 Colloidal Sol-Gel Processing of Nanomaterials, 5 sp
KE00CD63 Materials for Biomedical Applications, 5 sp
FY00BD65 Functional Materials at Biological Interfaces, 5 sp
422300.0 Polymerteknologi, 5 sp

HA00BL62 Forskning inom social- och hälsovårdsadministration, 5 sp
HA00BL63 Ledarskap för framtidens vård och omsorg, 5 sp
HA00CE52 Metoder för kvalitetsutveckling och evaluering av vård och omsorg, 5 sp
HA00CE53 Välfärdsservicesystem och entreprenörskap inom social- och
hälsovård, 5 sp

More information on the courses offered by Åbo Akademi Universty in the study guide

Students at Åbo Akademi University, the University of Turku, Turku University of Applied Sciences and teh University of Eastern Finland can complete courses in biosciences through the Jobitti-network.

Courses offered at Åbo Akademi University are:

FA00CB71 Good Manufacturing Practice in Pharmaceutical Industry, 2-3 sp
BK00CD28 Structural Bioinformatics in Biomedicine, 5 sp
BK00CB37 Bioinnovation, 5 sp

More information on the courses offered by Åbo Akademi Universty in the study guide

Information on Jobitti-courses at other partner universities can be found here

Students at Åbo Akademi University can complete courses at other Finnish universities through the Biodiversity network. The studies are free of charge.

The biodiversity network consists of, Åbo Akademi University, the University of Helsinki, The University of Oulu, the University of Jyväskylä, the University of Eastern Finland and the University of Turku.

Information on courses offered and how to register for them can be found here.

Students of Geology at Åbo Akademi University can complete courses at other Finnish universities through the FIN-GEO network. The studies are free of charge.

The FIN-GEO network consists of Åbo Akademi University, the University of Helsinki, The University of Oulu, Aalto University and the University of Turku.

Information on courses offered and how to register for them can be found here.

Courses offered at Åbo Akademi University are:

243037.0  Environmental Geochemistry of Sulfurand Metals, 5 ECTS
GE00CE38 Geochemistry of Streams, 5 ECTS

More information on the courses offered by Åbo Akademi Universty in the study guide

Updated 5.7.2024