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Marianne Stenius
Marianne Stenius

Professor Marianne Stenius is the Chancellor of Åbo Akademi University for the period 1 January 2025-31 December 2029.

By virtue of the special provisions pertaining to Åbo Akademi University as given in the Universities Act, Åbo Akademi University shall have a Chancellor. The duty of the Chancellor is to promote scientific activities as well as the interaction of the University with society, to look after the general interests of the Åbo Akademi University and to oversee its operations. The Chancellor also awards titles of Docent.

To be elected Chancellor, the individual is required to have served science, art or the university system with distinction. The University Collegiate Body appoints the Chancellor for five years at a time.

Read more about Marianne Stenius’ background and achievements.

Updated 8.1.2025