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BrainTrain: Taking the next step

Åbo Akademi University’s Centre of Excellence 2015-2018 within the BrainTrain project is focused on working memory. Working memory plays a key role when it comes to language learning abilities, literacy capacity, problem solving and mathematical reasoning, for example. Working memory has a limited capacity, and factors such as age and many different neuropsychological conditions can have an impact on this capacity.

We already know that memory performance can be improved with systematic training, and the BrainTrain research project aims to go one step further. The researchers involved in the project are investigating which mechanisms control these training effects. Their primary objective is to find out how they can be made even more effective. Is it possible to strengthen these training effects through direct brain stimulation?

The BrainTrain project (Brain Training: taking the next step) is led by Professor of Psychology Matti Laine.

Updated 10.2.2022