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Career Services for students, PhD students and newly graduated

Career Services for students, PhD students and newly graduated

Are you thinking about applying for a job or internship? Not sure what your strengths are? Then you’ve come to the right page!

The Career Services/Arbetsforum helps you as an ÅAU student or recent graduate with e.g. how to refine your CV and cover letter, identify your strengths and career goals and to find a relevant internship or workplace. We also organize courses and events and carry out career follow-ups to compile current information about the labor market. Contact us by email or book an appointment for career counselling or cv-check via our booking calendars. We are happy to help you with your career related questions!

In the boxes at the end of this page you will find more information about internships, how to search for a job and working life as well as info about career counselling.

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Updated 13.6.2024