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Wellbeing in studies

Wellbeing in studies

In order to feel good and manage everyday life as an adult student, it is important to have some basic strategies for well-being. Sometimes these may seem obvious, but it is easy to forget their importance in times of stress. Here you can take a look at the tips and tools we have collected below under the themes of stress management, sleep, exercise and diet. 


As you prepare for a period that will require more focus and responsibility than your normal day-to-day life offers, your body may react with stress. Short-term stress is normal and can actually help you to be more alert and focused, which can help you to perform better. However, if the stress is prolonged and you don’t get enough recovery, it can affect your well-being, your quality of sleep and your ability to cope with studies, for example. 

Many find that stress usually occurs when they have too much to do. Studying as an adult requires a lot of time and energy, and when you have to balance social activities, family, interests and work, it is common to feel overwhelmed at times. If you feel that stress is starting to affect you, it is important to make a clear overview of your study schedule and other daily commitments. It can be helpful to create a well-structured timetable. If you notice that you have too many tasks to handle, the next step is to prioritize them and possibly remove the less important ones. Try to clarify to yourself what needs to be done, when it needs to be done and how it should be done. 

A good night’s sleep is important for both your physical and mental well-being. Many people find that they feel refreshed after about 7-8 hours of sleep, but this is individual and that the quality of sleep is as important as the length. It is perfectly normal that sleep can sometimes be affected by stress or life circumstances, and temporary insomnia is nothing to worry about. Occasional nights of poor sleep usually have less impact on how well you cope with the next day than you might think. 

Sleep is something you don’t have full control over, and you usually can’t control it either. Instead, try to practice accepting that you can’t control your sleep. Tips that research shows help those suffering from sleep deprivation or poor sleep quality include trying to unwind in the evening before bedtime in ways that suit you, such as relaxation and breathing exercises, and avoiding phones and computer screens. Screens emit a bluish glow that affects melatonin secretion and can make it difficult to fall asleep. Other methods to promote sleep include regular exercise and avoiding alcohol and caffeine before bedtime. 

Exercise is important for your study ability and well-being for several reasons. Firstly, regular physical activity promotes better physical health, which in turn can have a positive impact on cognitive functions and mental well-being. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which can improve concentration, memory and learning capacity. 

In addition, exercise helps to reduce stress and anxiety levels. Studies show that physical activity releases endorphins, so-called ‘feel-good’ hormones, which can help relieve feelings of anxiety and boost mood. This is particularly important for adult students who often face challenges and stressful daily lives. 

Beyond physical and mental well-being, regular exercise can also promote better sleep quality. Getting enough rest and good sleep is crucial to staying alert and productive during your studies. Physical activity can also help boost your confidence and self-esteem. Achieving exercise goals and feeling stronger and more energized can have a positive impact on your self-image and increase your motivation to meet (academic) challenges. Including regular physical activity as part of your lifestyle can be a powerful strategy for achieving academic success and a better overall quality of life. 

A nutritious diet can be crucial in giving your body the tools it needs to function optimally, both physically and mentally. By eating a various diet and including a variety of nutritious foods in your diet, you can create a good foundation for coping with everyday life and studies. What does a nutritious diet mean? It means eating a varied and balanced range of foods that provide all the necessary nutrients in the right proportions to support the optimal functioning of the body. 

You can find recommendations of a healthy diet on the Finnish institute for health and welfare Nutrition – THL 

Self-help programmes for prevention of study-related fatigue Mentalhub.fi (mielenterveystalo.fi)

(The webpages are in Swedish but you can translate them into English by using Google Translate)

Updated 18.12.2023