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Human interaction is the core of our social relations and daily encounters as well as of societal processes and conflicts. Sociology is the critical and reflective study of this interaction at all levels of society and attempts to explain people’s actions and different social phenomena. With Sociology as your major subject, you will gain insights into various social relations, the situation of different marginal groups (for example, children, elderly and disabled people), and conflicts related to, for example, power, gender, equality, work and ethnicity. You will also learn to analyse and evaluate the activities of various organisations and institutions, to contribute to change processes, and to understand society both as an experienced reality and as a system that we develop together.

Link to our Swedish course selection in Sociology.

Carina Gräsbeck

Gräsbeck, Carina

Education Planner
Fabriksgatan 2, 20500 ÅBO
+3582 215 4644