Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. That is perhaps the most common definition of ‘sustainable development’, as laid down in the 1987 report “Our Common Future” by the World Commission on Environment and Development (commonly known as the “Brundtland Report”). Sustainable development has three different dimensions; ecological, social and economic sustainability. Today, many believe that ecological sustainability constitutes a basis and a prerequisite for the other two.
Sustainability issues are a hot topic, debated both on a local, national and global level. We all must think about how we can contribute to a sustainable future – how to increase awareness and knowledge about sustainable use of natural resources, sustainable production and consumption, sustainable housing and transportation, social well-being, questions about peace, democracy equality and gender equality.
In 2015, almost 200 nations approved the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. These goals guide all of our work towards a sustainable world through Agenda 2030.
Sustainable Development is an interdisciplinary study entity at ÅAU. The courses can be completed according to your own interest or you can choose the subject as a minor subject for your degree.