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Conferences, seminars, and other events arranged at the Faculty of Science and Engineering

Conferences, seminars, and other events arranged at the Faculty of Science and Engineering



According to the EU General Data Protection Regulation GDPR (EU 679/2016), Art. 13-14

The notice concerns:

Development, evaluation, other (events, etc.)

Conferences, seminars, and other events arranged at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Åbo Akademi University.


Data controller

Åbo Akademi University
Tuomiokirkontori 3
20500 Turku

Åbo Akademi University is controller for the personal data collected and processed in the university’s activities – in teaching, guidance, research, administration, and cooperation, internally and externally.

Responsible unit for the processing that is described in this document:

Faculty of Science and Engineering, Åbo Akademi University.

Contact person: Lotta Österholm, Head of Faculty Administration, lotta.osterholm@abo.fi, +358 2 215 4449

Data Protection Officer at Åbo Akademi University: dataskydd@abo.fi, +358 2 215 31 (switchboar


Why do we process your personal data?

The purpose of collecting personal data is to carry out the aforementioned events at the Faculty of Science and Engineering. The various events involve processing personal data of various kinds, which are specified in the registration form, and this privacy notice consents to the collection of all the following personal data.

It is necessary to process personal data in order to:

  • receive registrations
  • send information about the program when necessary
  • communicate with participants before, during, and after the events in the form of participation-related information.
  • ensure the safety of the participants at the events.
  • arrange refreshments and practical arrangements (including handling any requests for special diets)
  • collect photographs through photography and later publish them on Åbo Akademi’s external website and social media for Åbo Akademi’s own journalistic purposes
  • transfer photographs that Åbo Akademi originally collected for journalistic purposes to third parties, such as newspapers, for their journalistic purposes
  • store photographs that are considered to be of public interest for the community’s and organization’s memory and history

According to the GDPR, there must be a legal basis for processing personal data.
The legal basis for processing your personal data is:

  1. Consent is used as the legal basis for processing the personal data collected in connection with registration.

You give consent voluntarily after being informed about how your personal data will be processed, by checking the box ”Yes, I consent to Åbo Akademi processing my personal data in this way in connection with my participation in this event at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Åbo Akademi”.

When consent is the legal basis for processing your personal data, you have the right to withdraw it at any time. You can notify that you have withdrawn your consent by sending an email to registrator@abo.fi. The processing carried out before you withdrew your consent will not be affected.

  1. Regarding the processing of photographs, we apply journalistic purposes. As the purpose is solely journalistic, no legal basis needs to be specified for the processing, due to the exception in the data protection law section 27.
  2. Regarding the storage of photographs, we apply public interest as the legal basis, for the memory and history of society and the organization.

Which personal data is processed and by whom?

Information collected via registration:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Telephone number
  • Email
  • Professional title
  • Date of birth
  • University/Company
  • Country
  • Preferences for refreshments (including handling any requests for special diets)

Information collected on-site:

  • Photographs

The personal data is processed by the individuals at the Faculty of Science and Engineering and within the administration who are deemed to need the information for the execution of the event.

Where are your personal data collected from and how are they processed?

Personal data collected via registration:

Personal data is collected directly from the individual via a registration form in Åbo Akademi’s contact register (CRM).

Registration: The registration details are recorded in the CRM tool. A profile for the individual is not created.

Storage and retention period: The registration details are stored in the CRM tool and in an Excel sheet accessible to the event staff internally. The Excel sheet is stored on the local drive of a computer belonging to Åbo Akademi, belonging to the individual in question. The list is not shared on cloud services. The personal data is deleted when all post-event work, reporting, and documentation are completed and the data is no longer necessary, but no later than 1 year after the events have been held.


Collection: Regarding the collection of photographs, a photographer from Åbo Akademi will be present during the events.

Storage and retention period: The photographs are stored locally on a network drive belonging to Åbo Akademi. Photographs considered to be of public interest for the community’s and organization’s memory and history are stored for a period of 25 years.

Distribution: Selected images become publicly available in a photo bank shared via Åbo Akademi’s websites. In addition to this, selected photographs may be shared on social media channels belonging to Åbo Akademi or Åbo Akademi’s areas of operation.

Åbo Akademi may also transfer photographs to third parties (e.g., newspapers) for journalistic purposes.

Is your personal data transferred to a third party (outside Åbo Akademi University) for processing?

Yes, personal data will be transferred for processing outside Åbo Akademi. The CRM tool is provided by Mira Network. Since Mira Network delivers and maintains the tool, Mira Network acts as a data processor.

The personal data transferred to Mira Network includes the information registered in the CRM tool during the registration process, i.e., name, email address, and optional dietary preference.

If the event is organized as an excursion, personal data necessary for the transport services is transferred to the service provider.

Is your personal data transferred to a third party (outside Åbo Akademi University) for the needs of the third party?

No, personal data will not be transferred outside Åbo Akademi University.

Is your personal data transferred outside EU/EEA?

Yes, selected pictures can be published in social media.

In July 2023, the European Commission made a decision that the USA has an adequate level of data protection. Organizations transferring personal data from the EU to the USA can certify themselves under the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework in accordance with the adequacy decision. Upon certification, an adequate level of protection is considered to be provided for the personal data transferred to these organizations. Meta Platforms Inc, which owns the platforms where Åbo Akademi will publish images (Facebook and Instagram), is certified under the framework.


What rights do you have when Åbo Akademi University processes your personal data?

Åbo Akademi University is responsible for taking appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect personal data against unauthorized or illegal processing and against damage to or loss of personal data. Personal data must always be processed in a fair and transparent manner in accordance with applicable data protection regulations.

According to the EU General Data Protection Regulation GDPR (art.12-22), you have the right to

– get transparent information on how your personal data is processed and how you can exercise your rights (Art. 12)

– get access to your personal data at Åbo Akademi University and information on the processing of data (Art. 15)

– have your personal data corrected (Art. 16). Note that employees and students at Åbo Akademi University can in most cases correct their own data according to the instructions on the intranet.

– have your data erased (“the right to be forgotten”) in certain situations (Art. 17)

– restrict the processing of your personal data in certain situations (Art. 18)

– have your personal data transferred between systems in certain situations (Art. 20)

– object to the processing of your personal data in certain situations (Art. 21)

– not be subject to automated decision-making, with certain exceptions (Art. 22)

You have also the right to be informed of a personal data breach involving a high risk for your personal data (Art. 34).

When the purpose of the processing is scientific research, statistics or archival purposes, the rights may be restricted by the Data Protection Act (1050/2018). Restrictions on rights always require special protective measures.

If you have questions about your rights, you can contact the responsible contact person (see above) or the ÅAU Data Protection Officer (dataskydd@abo.fi). See also the overall information on the processing of personal data on the ÅAU website www.abo.fi/en/processing-of-personal-data-at-abo-akademi-university

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority if you believe that the processing of your personal data is an infringement of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Contact information to the data protection authority

Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman
PL 800
00531 Helsinki
+358 29 566 6700 (switchboard)

Updated 29.5.2024