Sofia Jusslin
University Lecturer
+358 505743805
Highlighted publications
Embodied and arts-integrated languages and literacies education in primary teacher education: Becoming-teachers’ diffractions of opportunities-and-challenges (2024)
Editorial: Embodied language learning through engagement in the arts (2024)
Kunstfagdidaktikk som kunstnerisk, forskende og oppmerksom undervisningspraksis (2024)
(Re)integrering av kunst: Utforskning av (gjen)møter med «hvem» og «hvorfor» i kunstintegrering (2024)
Kunstfagdidaktikk som performativ undervisningspraksis (2024)
Highlighted projects
CO-WRITE: Collaborative academic writing in hybrid learning spaces in higher education
Embodied Language Learning through the Arts
Exploring Imagination and Creativity through Play in Nordic Early Literacy Education
Poetry! Performative Perspectives on Poetry Education
Skrivdidaktik i lärarutbildning och skola i Finland och Sverige