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Nordic perspectives on democracy and human rights education

Seminar on Nordic perspectives on
democracy and human rights education

6.2.2023-7.2.2023 in Vaasa


On the 6th and 7th of February 2023, Åbo Akademi University will be hosting a seminar on Democracy and Human Rights Education (Conference on Nordic perspectives on Democracy and Human Rights Education/Konferens om nordiska perspektiv demokratioch människorättsfostran).

The seminar is arranged with the support of The Nordic Council of Ministers and The Finnish National Agency for Education, as well as in cooperation with the project partner-universities: University of Jyväskylä, University of Helsinki, University of Turku and University of Eastern Finland and DIOK-schools from various parts of Finland.

The purpose of the seminar is to audit the position of Democracy and Human Rights Education in the Nordic Countries. Some key objectives of the seminar are to assess the opportunities for the Sámi and other minorities to influence, as well as call for discussion on democracy and human rights in educational contexts.  Additionally, the intent of the organizers is to gather input from Finnish elementary schools, as well as to consolidate the network of Nordic scholars.

Note! Seminar by Invitation Only!

Arrangörer av DIOK-seminarium

Updated 30.1.2023