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Child and Youth Studies Research Environment (BUV)

Child and Youth Studies Research Environment (BUV)

Child and Youth Studies Research Environment at the Faculty of Education and Welfare studies

The largest child and youth studies research environment in Swedish-speaking Finland

Cutting-edge expertise within

  • early childhood education and pedagogics in all stages of school
  • professionals’ work with children and young people
  • children’s- and young people’s health and wellbeing
  • children’s- and young people’s participation in society

Åbo Akademi University is a consortium member of the Center of expertice NUOSKA – Youth work at schools and educational institutions

NUOSKA is governed by the Ministry of Education and Culture and constitutes a part of the governments youth policy programme VANUPO

studerande FPV

As part of the Swedish-speaking Åbo Akademi University in Finland, it is our task to coordinate and produce research-based knowledge on children and young people in Swedish-speaking Finland with the goal of improving their learning, health and wellbeing.

We act as a gateway that ties child and youth studies research in Finland with that of the other Nordic countries.

Finland’s gateway to the Nordic Countries

Nordens port till Finland
The Nordic countries’ gateway to Finland


In accordance with Åbo Akademi University’s strategic profile, child and youth research at the Faculty of Education and Welfare studies includes a focus on minority research.

The child and youth research at the Faculty of Education and Welfare studies focuses on themes, such as learning in early childhood education and school; minority, language and culture; health and welfare; society and societal participation.

Our research output is found in Åbo Akademi University’s research portal. The portal provides individualised searches for publications, projects and individual researchers.

The site is built as part of Svensk-Österbottniska Samfundets anniversary-fund and is administrated by the department of Youth studies. Contact us: ungdomsvetenskap@abo.fi

Updated 2.7.2021