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Energy Technology – research and personnel

Energy Technology – research and personnel

Research in Energy Technology makes use of approaches for energy systems, where material and energy flows are integrated with state-of-the-art technological solutions, the economy and legislation serve as the basis for improved energy and material efficiency as well as for reducing environmental impacts. Some current areas for research co-operation in the Vaasa region include the gas economy (particularly LNG), engine technology, energy storage and the IoT for energy systems.

Research Personnel


Margareta Björklund-Sänkiaho, D.Sc.(Tech.), Professor, Head of Subject
Reseach profile and publications

Cataldo De Blasio, D.Sc.(Tech.), Associate Professor (tenure track), Docent in Process Design with Environmental Engineering Applications (ÅAU) and in Chemistry of Engine Fuels and Chemical Engineering (University of Vaasa)
Research profile and publications


Jessica Tuuf, Ph.D., Project Researcher
Research profile and publications

Stefan Backlund, Lic.Sc.(Tech.), Project Leader
Cooperation with Information Technology
Research profile and publications

Rupesh Palange, Postdoc researcher
Research Profile and publications

Doctoral Students

Aswini Arumugam, Energy Technology

Jens Back,  Process and Energy Technology (co-supervision)

Christina Ingo, Energy Technology

Sami Lieskoski, Energy Technology

Ana Gabriela Romero García, Process and Energy Technology

Omaira Magdalena Sarda Naranjo, Energy Technology

Mohammad Talha, Energy Technology

Kennet Tallgren, Thermal and Flow Engineering (co-supervision)

Post docs

Niloufar Sadat Ghavami Masouleh, D.Sc.(Tech.)

Karhan Özdenkci, D.Sc.(Tech.)
Research profile and publications


Updated 18.6.2024