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The main event of the 2023 HKTP-conference will be held at Åbo Akademi Arken on 16-17 November 2023. Arken (see map) is located near the Aura River at Tehtaankatu 2.


  • The pre-conference will take place in ASA-house (Vänrikinkatu 3), Fabriken-deliberation laboratory on Wednesday 15.11.2023, from 14-18.
  • Get together opportunity for those arriving in Turku already on Wednesday 15.11.2023, starting at 18:00 (location to be announced later).
  • On Thursday 16.11.2023, registration for the HKTP-conference starts at 9.00 in the Arken lobby and the programme ends at 17.45
  • Keynotes and talks will take place on the first floor of Arken in the Armfelt (A102)
  • The best place to find a self-catering lunch is Café Arken. Other options are the nearby Café Aurum, Café Fänriken, Fabbes Café or Grädda
  • On Thursday 15 November, the evening party will be held at Kåren, a kilometre (about 15 minutes’ walk) from Arken, at Hämeenkatu 22.
  • On Friday 17.11.2023 the programme starts at 9 am and ends at 12 noon.
  • Trains from Turku to Tampere and Helsinki will leave around 13:00


The program for the days:

  • Keynote speeches in English related to the theme of the days:
    • The NAV-reform in Norway: Professor Jacob Aars, University of Bergen. (The NAV-reform in Norway brought together the state employment services, the social insurance system (cf. Kela) and part of the municipal social services.)
  • Other speeches will be held in Finnish (see programme in Finnish)

A more detailed programme will be published later.

Updated 9.10.2023