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Industrial Management – research and personnel

Industrial Management – research and personnel

In Industrial Management, technology and economics are combined. Education and research in the subject focus on business management, entrepreneurship and commercialization in industry. More specifically, the focus is on business models, industrial management and industrial investments, including project operations. A particular focus area is to create ecosystems, business models and organizational structures for investments in the energy and transport industries. Industrial Management is participating in Åbo Akademi University’s strategic profiling area The Sea with a focus on maritime logistics.

Students at the Master’s program in Chemical and Process Engineering can write their Master’s thesis in Industrial Management, but our courses are open to all students at Åbo Akademi University. The subject also offers a thematic module that can be included in a Master’s program. The courses consist of group work and case studies in close proximity to current problems in the industry. Furthermore, presentations and analyzes of industrial companies are a central part of the courses, where business leaders form an important, additional dimension. Leading experts in industrial management participate in the teaching, which ensures that teaching and learning is interesting and up-to-date.

Research in Industrial Management

Our research focuses on industrial investments and project activities in energy and transport. Research topics include industrial logic, technology commercialization, cross-border business models, project management, system integration and innovation, functional solutions, transformation of industrial logic, and “governance” models. The laboratory has a strong position in the research areas both nationally and internationally.
The research is closely linked to industrial companies and practical applicability, combined with a solid theoretical approach. The research is mainly funded by The Academy of Finland, Business Finland, H2020 and other EU research instruments.



Magnus Gustafsson, Research Director, Docent
Research profile and publicationer

Magnus Hellström, Professor in Industrial Management, Head of Laboratory
Research profile and publikations

Jonas Spohr, Senior University Lecturer
Research profile and publications

Viktor Sundholm,
Research profile and publications

Anastasia Tsvetkova, Project Researcher; Docent in Value-Creating Business Ecosystems
Research profile and publications

Irina Wahlström, Project Manager
Reseach profile and publications

Kim Wikström, Professor
Research profile and publications

  • Project-based companies
  • The logic of value creation in project deliveries
  • Project management and organization


Doctoral Students

Yiran Chen

Johan Malmberg

Thaysa Portela de Carvalho

Henry Schwartz

Updated 16.5.2024