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Information Technology – research and staff

Information Technology – research and staff

The subject cluster Information Technology is composed of the subjects Computer Engineering and Computer Science.



Ivan Porres
Professor in Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Head of Subject Cluster
Jerker Björkqvist
Professor in Computer Engineering
Sébastien Lafond
Professor in Software Engineering
Dragos Truscan
Professor in Computer Science
Andreas Lundell
Associate Professor (Tenure track) in Information Technology (Vasa); Docent in Applied Mathematics

Peter Sarlin
Professor of Practice, Information Technology

Adnan Ashraf
University Lecturer in Information Technology
Stefan Backlund
Project leader

Tom Fredman
Senior University Lecturer in Mathematics with Technical Applications
Fredrik Hellman
Doctoral Student and Project Coordinator
Bogdan Iancu
University Lecturer in Information Technology, Docent in Computational Modelling and Industrial Applications
Kristian Nybom
University Teacher in Computer Science; Docent in Communication Technology
Luigia Petre
Senior University Lecturer in Computer Science; Docent in Networked Systems
Annamari Soini
Lecturer in Computer Engineering
Marina Waldén
Senior University Lecturer in Computer Engineering, Distributed Systems; Docent

Johan Lilius
Director, Digital Transformation (Professor in Computer Engineering, Embedded Systems)


Tanwir Ahmad
Research Associate
Jarkko Peltomäki
Project Researcher
Hergys Rexha
Project Researcher

Micaela Strömborg
Project Coordinator, EDISS

Doctoral Students

Malin Andtfolk
Dennis Biström
Christoffer Björkskog
Gaadha Chariyarupadannayil Sudheerbabu
Miro Eklund
Jani Ekqvist
Junaid Iqbal
Sudeep Kanur
Mikael Manngård
Andrei-Raoul Morariu
Christian Möller
Lawrence Nwaogo
John-Eric Saxén
Henry Schwartz
Fatima Shokri-Manninen
Valentin Soloviev
Frankie Spencer
Alina Torbunova
Jesper Winsten
Yevheniia Yehorova

Affiliated researchers

Johan Ersfolk
Simon Holmbacka


Ralph-Johan Back, Professor em.
Patrick Sibelius, University Teacher em.
Hannu Toivonen, Professor em.
Jan Westerholm, Professor em.

Updated 19.2.2025