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Instructions for submitting an electronic application

Instructions for submitting an electronic application

The recruitment system at Åbo Akademi University and how to submit an electronic application


You can apply to a vacant positions at Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU) via the Laura recruitment tool. Read the instructions carefully and prepare the appendices in time, as your application must be submitted within the set deadline

  • Below each job announcement, you will find information about the application deadline and a direct link to the application form [Lämna in ansökan / Submit an application]. You do not need to register to submit an application.
  • The application has required fields that are marked with asterisks*. This is mainly personal information including contact information and language skills. Other fields in the application form can be updated and supplemented continuously before the end of the application period.
  • When the required fields are filled in, preview your application [Förhandsgranska / Preview]. After the preview, you can submit your application or continue to process it.
  • When you submitted your application, you will receive a username for the email address you have provided in the application. The username can be used to log in to the application system. By signing in with the username, you can update your application during the application period. Please, note that if you have submitted an application earlier and already have username and password, you can log in with this before you begin filling in the form. Applications are saved for three years, old login details will also expire at the same time. [Vill du uppdatera din information. Logga in. / Want to update your application? Log in]
  • If you have forgotten your previous credentials, you can request a new username and password. [Glömt ditt lösenord? Förnya lösenordet. Forgot your password? Get a new one here.]
  • The announcements for each job specify which attachments you need to attach to the application. Attachments such as a CV, a pedagogical portfolio, a research plan, a list of publications, may be relevant depending on the task. Name all your attachments uniformly and remember to include your last name. The attachments can be uploaded in the following formats: rtf, doc, odt, pdf, txt, docx.
  • If you want to use a previous application as basis for a new application, you can log in with your previous credentials. In the list of previous applications, you can choose which application you want to use. Please note, that old attachments are not transferred to the new application, they must be re-attached.


Do you have any technical questions about your application? Please contact rekry@abo.fi. For other questions about the tasks and the application process, please contact the named contact persons in the announcement.

Updated 10.9.2024