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Interlibrary loans and article copies

Interlibrary loans and article copies

Can’t find the book or article you need in our library?
Interlibrary loans is a service where the library can request books and articles from other libraries and make them available for you.

Request interlibrary loans and article copies

Material (books and articles) not available at the ÅAU Library in print or electronically, or at any other library in Turku or Vaasa, can be requested as an interlibrary loan from almost any other library in the world.

Before you make an interlibrary loan or article copy request:

  • Check Melinda and Finna to see whether the material is available at another library in Turku or Vaasa.
    • Please note, ÅAU patrons can request items from ÅAU Library collections to be delivered from Turku to Vaasa and vice versa as a separate service. More information on the intranet.
  • Make your request well in advance as delivery times vary a lot.
  • Interlibrary loans are subject to a charge (see the price list).
  • Article copies from the National Repository Library are free of charge for students and staff of Åbo Akademi University (Turku/Vaasa) and Novia (Turku).

Make an interlibary loan or article copy request

Pick up your interlibrary loan

You’ll receive an e-mail message when your interlibrary loan/article copy is ready for pick-up at the Book Tower (Turku)/Academill Library (Vaasa) lending desk.

  • The interlibrary loan fee is to be paid at pick-up.
  • You will receive article copies as a print-out that you can keep.
  • If the requested material is a readingroom loan the staff will keep it safe and you will have to retrieve and return it from the lending desk each time you want to use it.
  • We can forward the material directly to your campus office if your deparment/subject is paying the interlibrary loan fee. Interlibrary loans are not sent to addresses outside of Åbo Akademi University campus.

Loan periods

The lending library defines the loan period and the loan conditions (e.g. in-house use only). The loan period is usually four weeks. The due date is printed on the ticket that is attached to the book. Interlibrary loans are not visible on your Alma user account. If you wish to renew your interlibrary loan, please contact ill@abo.fi prior to the due date.

Return your interlibrary loan

Return your interlibrary loan at the Book Tower (Turku)/Academill Library (Vaasa) service desk. Please return the loan intact with the due date ticket/any other slips.

Free interlibrary loans for students

While you are writing your bachelor’s or master’s thesis / diploma or essay, you are entitled to interlibrary loans and article copies free of charge. In order to qualify for free interlibrary loans and article copies, your thesis tutor / supervisor must provide us with a certificate containing the following information: student’s name, subject, title of the thesis/diploma thesis/degree thesis, date and the supervisor’s name.

Send the certificate to ill@abo.fi (Turku) or ill-vasa@abo.fi (Vasa).

Updated 11.12.2024