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Online publishing in open repositories gives your research more visibility which can increase citations.

The Åbo Akademi University Open Science policy demands open access, that scholarly publications produced at Åbo Akademi University are made available online for free always when possible. For scientific publications, high quality open access publication venues are recommended, and closed publications should be parallel published always when the publisher policy allows for it.

The ÅAU publications repository in Doria is open access. Doria is a service provided by the National Library of Finland and is the publication venue for locally produced

  • Theses (doctoral theses, master’s theses mainly)
  • Reports and reviews
  • Monographs, complete works

 The univesity research portal AboCRIS is the parallel publication venue for scholarly publications

  • Research articles in academic journals, conference publications or collected works
  • Other articles in journals or magazines
  • All scholarly publications produced at ÅAU

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Kindly observe that the library is closed during July. 



Updated 27.5.2024