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Guest Professors within Minority Research

Guest Professors within Minority Research

Adjunct professors

Adjunct Professors have been recruited (20%) for 1–2 years at a time to support and further strengthen the profile.

The Adjunct Professors are expected to increase internationalization, the critical mass and visibility of the profile both within and outside of the university. The Adjunct Professors that have been linked in this way to the profile have been:

Rusi Jaspal Professor of Psychology & Sexual Health, De Montfort University, UK

Gabriele Griffin Professor of Gender Research, Uppsala University, Sweden

Airi-Alina Allaste Professor of Sociology, Tallinn University, Estonia

André Bächtiger Professor für Politische Theorie und Empirische Demokratieforschung (political theory and empirical democracy research), Universität Stuttgart, Germany

James Cummins Professor Emeritus in Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning, The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto, Canada

Karen Fisher Professor, Information School and Adjunct Professor, Communication, University of Washington Information School, and Visiting Professor, Open Lab, Newcastle University, USA

Updated 21.2.2020