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Åbo Akademi University confers fourteen new honorary doctors in May

Åbo Akademi University will host a Doctoral Conferral Ceremony on Friday, 23 May 2025. At the ceremony, 113 persons holding a doctoral degree from Åbo Akademi University will be conferred.

Furthermore, 14 individuals will be awarded honorary doctorates for their distinguished scientific merits or in recognition of their significant contributions to society.

Additionally, the title of Jubilee Doctor will be conferred upon eight persons who earned their doctoral degrees from Åbo Akademi University 50 years ago.

The Conferral Ceremony is the most prestigious academic celebration.  At the ceremony, those who have earned their doctoral degrees are conferred with the title of Doctor and receive the insignia of their respective degrees.

In 2025, Åbo Akademi University confers the following honorary doctors:

Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology:

Stina Ekblad, actor
Pia Ingström, cultural journalist, critic and writer
Jérôme Rémy, artistic director

Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies:

Lee Esselström, television host, expert in handicrafts
Stefan Hopmann, professor
Kristian Wahlbeck, psychiatrist, research professor

Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Economics, and Law:

Rachel Gibson, professor
Timo Ketonen, entrepreneur, investor
Olli Mäenpää, professor
Nina Nordström, ambassador
Stefan Wallin, former minister, senior advisor

Faculty of Science and Engineering:

Rüdiger Lange, professor
M. Bishr Omary, professor
Luisa Torsi, professor

The following individuals receive the title of Jubilee Doctor:

Olle Anckar, Jubilee Doctor of Science (Economics and Business Administration)
Göran Bylund, Jubilee Doctor of Philosophy
Göran Högnäs, Jubilee Doctor of Philosophy
Ari Ivaska, Jubilee Doctor of Science (Technology)
(Harry) Lars-Eric Lindfors, Jubilee Doctor of Science (Technology)
Roger Sell, Jubilee Doctor of Philosophy
Per Stenius, Jubilee Doctor of Philosophy
Erik Vikström, Jubilee Doctor of Theology

Click here for detailed presentations and press photos of the honorary doctors. 

Read more about the Conferral Ceremony.