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Åbo Akademi University 50 years in Vaasa

Åbo Akademi University 50 years in Vaasa

We are organising three Academy forums during the anniversary year

This page will be updated with dates and subjects. 


Academy Forums are lectures open to the public.

Everything we do is science. Or at least most of it can be explained through science. At Åbo Akademi University, many different forms of science are done, in different ways, in many different areas.

The first Academy Forum of the anniversary year will be organised by the Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies in March 2024.

The second Academy Forum is organised by the Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Law. This lecture will be organised in April.

The third Academy Forum is organised by the Faculty of Science and Technology. This will be the last Academy Forum of the centenary year and will be organised in October 2024.

Science is for everyone, not just for those who work in research. Therefore, we endeavour to make research and research results – science – accessible to everyone in different ways. One way is to organise, or participate in, various events that are open to the public and showcase parts of the research conducted at Åbo Akademi University.

Welcome, together we create the future of education and science!