Alternative Location Sought for Aurum Car Park
On 11 December 2019, the management group of the Aurum project authorised the University Properties of Finland Ltd to seek for an alternative solution for the parking space needed due to constructing the Aurum building.
The Vatselankatu parking space was suggested as an alternative for the Caloniankuja parking space. If some of the parking spaces are moved to the Vatselankatu parking space, there is no need to build a new parking space on the campus. This solution would most likely diminish the number of parking spaces allocated for the students of the University of Turku in the area to some extent. As the parking space would be accessed through Assistentinkatu, the solution would not affect the traffic on Vatselankatu.
The possible new solutions made in regards to the parking space require the approval of the city authorities. In case no consensus is reached, it is also possible that the processing of the original plan will be continued. Information about the progress of the parking space project is updated onto the webpages of the University Properties of Finland Ltd (SYK), University of Turku, and Åbo Akademi University.
The new parking space planned onto the lower campus of the University of Turku, between Educarium and Calonia buildings, awoke a great deal of discussion earlier in the autumn. A petition was presented against the planned car park and signed by 1,700 students and members of staff from the University of Turku.