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Press Release

Press Release

Doctoral Thesis in Cell Biology

M.Sc. Taru Knuutinen’s doctoral thesis in cell biology will be put forth for public defence at the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Åbo Akademi University.

The thesis is entitled The importance of calcium channels in thyroid cancer.

The public defence of the doctoral thesis takes place on 27 September 2024 at 1PM in auditorium Argentum, Aurum, Henrikinkatu 2, Turku. Professor Catharina Larsson, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, will serve as opponent and Associate Professor Diana Toivola, Åbo Akademi University, as custos.

Taru Knuutinen (née Lassila) can be reached by email taru.lassila@abo.fi.

The doctoral thesis can be read online through the Doria publication archive.

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