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Jubilee year celebrations

Jubilee year celebrations

New Year’s reception

The anniversary year began in festive style with a New Year’s reception on 24 January 2024, when staff and invited guests were welcomed to an unforgettable evening of mingling, joy and fellowship.

The Rector of Vaasa, Lisbeth Fagerström, welcomed the guests and Alexandra Westerlund acted as host for the evening.
The guests were treated to several surprise performances: dance by a group from the Kipinä dance school, an aria performed by soprano Kajsa Dahlbäck, a quartet from the student choir Pedavoces and saxophone playing by Kristian Lakari.
The evening also saw the unveiling of a large jubilee logo made by Juha Hartvik.

After work in the sun

The anniversary celebrations for the staff continued on 6 June 2024 with a summery after-work in the courtyard of Academill and music by the band The Gang in the foyer.
The theme for the occasion was ‘Barbecue’ and the colour scheme was green and pink. Visitors were greeted by comfortable sofas placed in the foyer and offered a barbecue outside in the beautiful sunshine.

Jubilee week

The first week of September (2-6 September 2024) was the official Jubilee Week, when the public was invited to participate in three different events.

Wednesday 4 September at 6pm, a packed Academy Forum was held with the world’s first Professor of Happiness, Micael Dahlen.

Micael dahlen föreläser i Academill. Foto: Sofia Michelsson

On Thursday 5 September 2024, the inscription ceremony was held. The ceremony began in Trinity Church and continued in the Akademisalen hall. After the ceremony, attendants were invited to a mingle with refreshments in the foyer.

The following day, Friday 6 September 2024, an anniversary seminar was organised in the Akademisalen hall. Magdalena Snickars acted as conferencier. 

The seminar began with music by Albert Sahlström, violin, and Isabella Päitälä, piano, followed by a welcome by Lisbeth Fagerström, Rector of Vaasa and Mikael Lindfelt, Rector of Åbo Akademi University.
The guests heard a speech by Stefan Wallin, Chairman of the Board of the Åbo Akademi University Foundation, who spoke under the heading ‘Education as a torch’.

The seminar also offered glimpses of research at Åbo Akademi University in Vaasa through a panel discussion with Jessica Aspfors, Anna Forsman, Johan Korhonen, Andreas Lundell and Kim Strandberg. Michaela Pörn, Dean of the Faculty of Welfare Studies and Education, acted as moderator.

During the anniversary seminar, the history of Åbo Akademi University’s 50-year activities in Vaasa, ‘Vårt arbete, våra drömmar’ (‘Our work – our dreams’), was also launched. The book launch featured a discussion between Håkan Andersson, Kaj Björkqvist, Christer Rosengren, Nils-Erik Vikstrand and Carola Wärnå-Furu. The discussion was moderated by Rector Emeritus Sven-Erik Hansén.

The seminar ended with music by Pedavoces, after which the participants were invited to coffee and anniversary cake in the foyer.

Lunch for retired staff

During the anniversary week, a lunch was also organised at the Swedish Club for retired staff. Around 50 people attended.

The Party

The anniversary year culminated in a glittering party for the staff at Åminne Folk Park on 8 November 2024.
Alumni Matias Jungar and Emilia Brännkärr acted as hosts. Between courses, the guests enjoyed live music performed by alumni who have been active in the Rock Association at Åbo Akademi University in Vaasa over the years.

During the evening, several surprise guests took the stage, all alumni from Åbo Akademi University in Vaasa. The guests were treated to music by Petra Sundvik, Laura Reinikainen, Cassandra Lindholm, Fredrik Furu, Anders Sjöberg, Marcus Granfors and Viktor Hurmio.

The house band consisted of Hippi Hovi, who put together the evening’s musical entertainment, Patrick Lax and Jonny Sandsten.
Photographer: Sebastian Forsman