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Message from Rector 17.3.2020

Message from Rector 17.3.2020

Dear colleagues, students and co-workers!

Moira von Wright

I write to you to announce that the government’s decision to close educational institutions means that Åbo Akademi University will close campus: all our physical facilities will be closed and all contact tuition will cease from Wednesday, 18 March 2020.

No students or staff will be on campus. Libraries, lecture rooms, seminar-rooms, laboratories, etc. will be locked. Teachers, researchers and other staff who have not yet been able to retrieve their necessary belongings in order to conduct business remotely, are invited to do so on Tuesday, 17 March. However, avoid contact with each other.

Some research activities will continue in certain laboratories. Likewise, some key functions will be maintained to manage the security and guarantee access to the Web and other digital solutions. The crisis management team will, on our web site, inform what this means and who is covered by this exception.

Those who, for an agreed reason, visit our facilities and carry out their work on site at Åbo Akademi University are urged to strictly follow the instructions given to minimize the risk of infection: stay at least two meters away from each other, do not eat and drink coffee together, wash your hands, and follow the instructions given on our website.

All who may become affected by the corona, I wish quick recovery, and you who now work and study under difficult circumstances, I wish good courage!


Moira von Wright, Rector
Åbo Akademi University