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New cases of corona among students in Turku

New cases of coronavirus infection have been detected among students at several universities in Turku in the past few days, and more students may have been exposed to the virus.

The infectious disease authorities in Turku are investigating the situation and contacting people who may have been exposed.

Last week, a student at Åbo Akademi University tested positive for the coronavirus, and another case among Åbo Akademi University students has now been confirmed.

The infectious disease authorities urge everyone who has participated in student events recently to follow their health condition and immediately apply for a coronavirus infection test, even if they should only get mild symptoms. Symptom assessment for coronavirus infection can be done in the Omaolo service www.omaolo.fi. Turku residents can also contact the City of Turku’s telephone counseling service about the coronavirus (tel. 02 266 2714) weekdays 8–15.

The infectious disease authorities urge student organizations to cancel all events in Turku for the next two weeks. The Student Union of Åbo Akademi University supports this recommendation and will be in touch with its student associations.

Åbo Akademi University follows the situation and updates its safety guidelines if necessary. The guidelines can be found on the page www.abo.fi/covid19. Students infected with corona are asked to notify their teacher tutor or departmental adviser. Members of staff should contact their immediate supervisor. Åbo Akademi University also recommends that all students and all staff use the infection tracking app Koronavilkku.


More information:
Chief Physician for Infectious Diseases Jutta Peltoniemi
City of Turku
E-mail: jutta.peltoniemi@turku.fi
Tel. +358 40 595 3682