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Out to Sea shows the extent of the ecological disaster of plastic waste in the world’s seas

Out to Sea – The Plastic Garbage Project is an international travelling exhibition that will make stops all over the world. The exhibition presents the ecological disaster caused by plastic waste in the seas of the world. The exhibition opened at Korpoström in the beginning of May. This is the first scientific exhibition to be hosted by Archipelago Centre Korpoström.

The centrepoint of the exhibition, and symbol of the disaster, is an installation of marine waste taken from seas all over the world. A large portion of the exhibition shows the background of the problem and the serious impacts it has on the sea, fauna and humankind. In an effort to inspire visitors to take action, key global and local actors working to combat marine waste are also presented.

The exhibition is also an important educational approach, in which the Archipelago Centre Korpoström (Knattelabbet) and Åbo Akademi University (Environmental and Marine Biology) are working together with the Archipelago Sea Biosphere Reserve (ABR) and Finnish Society for Nature and Environment (FSNE) Nature Schools to draw attention to the plastic problem in school instruction.

During the summer, the AARK artist’s residency will provide the exhibition with installations that deal with the plastic problem, and the Crafts Workshop will be exhibiting everyday utensils that were once made with materials other than plastic.

The exhibition at Archipelago Centre Korpoström will run from 3 May–30 September 2019 (Fri-Sun in May and every day from June to September). Admission: 5€/adult. For more information on opening times visit www.skargardscentrum.fi.