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Prizes awarded at the Opening Ceremony for the Academic Year 2022–2023 at Åbo Akademi University


The following prizes and scholarships were awarded at the opening ceremony, from the fund of Harry Elving:

Prizes for researchers

PhD Christa Kietz receives 5 000 euros for her dissertation in Cell Biology titled Regulation of hostmicrobe interactions and inflammatory signalling in Drosophila melanogaster.

PhD (Ed.) Matilda Ståhl receives 5 000 euros for her dissertation in Education titled Community, diversity and visuality – an ethno-case study on constructing identities and becoming legitimate participants in online/offline communities.


Prize for developing a positive work environment

The prize for developing a positive work environment is awarded to Viveka Lyberg Åhlander, Professor in Speech and Language Pathology. The prize is 2 000 euros.

Teacher of the year

The prize for Teacher of the year is awarded to Jonas Spohr, Senior University Lecturer in Industrial Management. The prize is 5 000 euros.


Supervisor of the year

This year the Supervisor of the year award is awarded to two supervisors, based on student feedback. The prize is 1 500 euros.

The prize is awarded to Senior University Lecturer in Information Technology Marina Waldén and Professor in Social Sciences Kim Strandberg.


Pristagarna, inskriptionen i Vasa.
Matilda Ståhl and Kim Strandberg.
Pristagarna vid inskriptionen.
Viveka Lyberg Åhlander, Marina Waldén, Christa Kietz and Jonas Spohr.