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For visitors: Recommendations on coronavirus

WHO has declared the coronavirus outbreak a global pandemic. Åbo Akademi University will keep monitoring the situation, and take measures to limit the spread of the virus, as well as securing the health and security of students and staff.

For all visitors to Åbo Akademi University

All events on ÅAU premises are cancelled until further notice. Organizers are required to postpone their events, arrange for remote participation, or to call the events off.

– Dissertations are only arranged online.

– More information on cancelled events here.

Information for visitors to Åbo Akademi University in Turku or Vaasa

– Please be in touch with your contact at ÅAU if you’re planning to visit from abroad.

– The current situation in Finland is continuously monitored and updated on THL’s website: https://thl.fi/en/web/infectious-diseases/what-s-new/coronavirus-covid-19-latest-updates

– If you develop influenza-like symptoms and respiratory problems during your stay in Finland, please follow THL’s guidelines for passengers arriving in Finland. When in Finland, you can also get instructions from:

  • The National Medical Helpline, tel. 116 117.
  • Turku: Joint emergency services of the Turku region, tel. +358 2 313 8800.
  • Vaasa: Vaasa Central Hospital Emergency Clinic, tel. +358 6 213 1310 during office hours (Mon–Thu 8:00–16:00 and Fri 8:00–14:15), and tel. +358 6 213 1001 outside office hours.
  • Finnish residents are adviced to call their local healthcare. Always call by phone first for further instructions.

Three points for improving preparedness and preventing the spread of the coronavirus

  1. Remember hand hygiene: wash your hands thorougly with a good amount of soap and water, and do not touch your nose/mouth/eyes with your hands.
  2. Stay up to date via the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare’s (THL) website.
  3. Ask yourself whether you really need to travel – can you participate in some other way?

Students and staff at ÅAU

Are you a student, researcher or member of the staff att Åbo Akademi University? Read our instructions here: https://www.abo.fi/en/news/instructions-for-staff-and-students-at-aau/