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Physical Chemistry – research and researchers

Physical Chemistry – research and researchers

Research staff

Jouko Peltonen, Professor
-Surface chemistry, functional materials, colloid chemistry, probe microscopy
Research profile

Jan-Henrik SmåttSenior University Lecturer, docent in nanomaterials
-Nanostructured metal oxides
Research profile

Tan Phat Huynh, Associate Professor (tenure track) in Technologies for a Sustainable Future
Research profile

Thomas Sandberg, University Lecturer, docent in computational chemistry
-Quantum chemistry, molecular dynamics
Research profile


Researchers and Doctoral students

Mahboubeh Habadian, Post-Doctoral Researcher
Research profile

Sara Lund, Doctoral Student
Research profile

Syeda Qudsia, Doctoral Student
Research profile

Emil Rosqvist, Researcher
Research profile

Saara Sirkiä, Doctoral Student
Research profile

Parastoo Vahdatiyekta
Research profile

Morad Zouheir, Doctoral Student
Research profile


Research Assistants

Updated 14.6.2024