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Practical information

Practical information

We currently have four fundraising targets: our strategic research profiles The Sea, Minority Research, Technologies for a Sustainable Future and Solutions for Health. There are two ways to donate to each target: online payment or bank transfer.

The easiest way to donate to the research profiles is to make an online payment through our donation forms:







Another way to donate to the research profiles is to make a payment to the following bank account:

Danske Bank
FI96 8119 9710 0166 03

In the message field of the payment, include the donor’s name, contact information and the donation target (“The Sea”, “Minority Research” or “Technologies for a Sustainable Future”).

For donations of 850 euro or more, we also kindly ask you to fill in a deed of donation.


More information about our fundraising:

Tax deduction for persons and organisations situated in Finland

Private persons

Individuals and estates can deduct amounts donated to universities from their earned income. To be deductible, the minimum donation is €850 and maximum €500,000. If you make multiple donations within one fiscal year, the total amount is recorded. Åbo Akademi University reports the deductible donations to the tax authorities at the end of the fiscal year.

More information: website of the Finnish Tax Administration.


Monetary donations of €850–250,000 made by communities to universities are tax deductible in Finland. As communities count companies, associations and foundations. Communities should report their deductible donations to the tax authorities.

More information: Income Tax Law (1992/1535) (in Swedish).


Targeted donations

Larger donations can be targeted more specifically to support the research and educational operations of Åbo Akademi University. Please contact us if you want to know more.


Launch your own fundraising initiative

You can also launch your own fundraising initiative and contribute to high-quality Swedish-language education and research in Finland.

This is exactly what a group of Åbo Akademi University alumni did, when they raised a collective gift to honour the birthday of their friend and fellow 1969 chemical engineering graduate Jacques Grönlund.

A fundraising initiative of one’s own is a special and very memorable gift. Please contact us for more information about how to launch your own fundraising initiative for Åbo Akademi University.

Fem män sitter vid ett bord och dricker kaffe.
The group of friends (from the left) Robert Ådahl, Jacques Grönlund, Pehr-Göran Thölix, Björn Oldenburg and Krister Sannholm. Missing from picture: Bengt Lindholm. Photo: private.

Ethical principles in fundraising

The fundraising of Åbo Akademi University is governed by the Instruction on Ethics and the Responsible Conduct of Research (5.5.2020). Read our ethical principles here.


Deed of donation

If you or your organisation donates 850 euro or more we kindly ask you to fill in a deed of donation and return it to us:

Åbo Akademi University
Tuomiokirkontori 3
20500 Turku, Finland

You can also scan the deed of donation and return it electronically to samverkan@abo.fi.


Money collection permits

Åbo Akademi University has a money collection permit (RA/2020/867), issued by the National Police Board on 15 July 2020, valid until further notice. The permit covers all of Finland, with the exception of Åland Islands.

Åbo Akademi University also has the money collection permit ÅLR 2024/7446, granted on 11 November 2024 by the Åland Provincial Government and is valid 1 December 2024–30 November 2025. The permit covers the Åland Islands.

The raised funds will be used to support the university’s operations in accordance with §2 in the Universities Act (558/2009) and to provide capital to the university. The collection is arranged by Åbo Akademi University.

Updated 18.12.2024