Privacy Policy, Career Monitoring Survey
EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679), Articles 13-14
1. Controller |
Åbo Akademi University |
Åbo Akademi Domkyrkotorget 3 20500 ÅBO Tfn 02 215 31
Business ID: 0246312-1 |
2. Contact person for issues related to the register |
Coordinator Matias Erlund Telephone 02 215 4116 E-mail: |
3. Data protection officer |
Data protection officer, Åbo Akademi University
e-mail: Telephone +358 400594894 (direct) +358 2 215 31 (central)
4. Name of the register |
Register for career monitoring surveys at Finland’s universities for graduates with a master’s degree or discontinued bachelor’s degree and for graduates with a doctor’s degree. |
5. Purpose of processing personal data and legal grounds for processing |
The purpose of career monitoring surveys is to monitor the early career stages of university graduates and their situation in the labour market (five years for higher university degree graduates or discontinued bachelor’s degree programme graduates, for example, nursery school teachers and pharmacists, and three years for doctors) and utilise the monitoring information in research, highlighting the early career stages of people with an academic education, the development of higher education and student guidance, as well as for offering information for potential students, current students and graduates for planning their own studies and career. In the career monitoring survey, this information is produced and used without identification information about the participants. This information is university-specific, for cooperation between the universities, with cooperation partners and generally for research through the Finnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD).
Grounds for processing: Duties in accordance with public interest (evaluation and development of university education (sections 2 and 87 of the Universities Act (2009/558)) and production of related statistics). Decree of the Ministry of Education and Culture on Calculation Criteria for University Core Funding (119/2019). |
6. Data content of the register |
The background information of the career monitoring survey’s target group (participants) will
a) be recorded into the register:
– gender, citizenship, mother tongue – place of residence code, place of residence, zip code, post office, state, number code of home municipality, native language according to address – university, year of admission, age at graduation, field of study (levels 1, 2, 3) – degree level (according to VIRTA), main subject, degree code, degree (according to VIRTA), degree scope, degree month, information on attendance, Tuition fee liability – additional information from Åbo Akademi University study register: place of study, major, field of study/field of study, orientation options, faculty/unit/department
3) Survey answers With regard to those who have filled in the career monitoring survey, these sections will be filled in with the information they have given concerning their position in working life, factors related to the quality of employment and the satisfaction of graduates concerning their studies from the perspective of working life.
Information identifying the respondent (student number, name and contact information) and information about a possible date of death will only be used to send the survey and in order to link the above-mentioned background information.
Those who want more information about where the results from the survey are published can state their e-mail address when they answer the survey. The e-mail address is stored separately from the survey response in Åbo Akademi’s register. |
7. Regular data sources |
The background and identification information of the group of respondents will be gathered in a centralised manner from the national VIRTA study information service and, in supplementary parts, from the student information systems of universities (study subject, faculty). Address data will be supplemented using the Population Information System, and the telephone number will be acquired from a separate telephone number supplier (Posti/Fonecta/other). Additional contact information collected from Åbo Akademi alumna register and Åbo Akademi study register, e-mail and telephone number.
Response data will be gathered from the answers of the participants. The participants have the opportunity to fill in a paper survey or an electronic online survey. Data from the paper surveys will be recorded in the electronic system as subcontracted by the controllers of sub-registers.
8. Regular data transfers and recipient groups |
The processing of the register’s personal data has been partly outsourced with a sub-contract agreement: ☐ No
☒ Yes; further information about outsourced processing:
Based on subcontracting by the controllers of sub-registers, the register is processed by TUPA, statistical research service of the University of Tampere, and CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd.
CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd selects the target group, enriches the contact information, creates the survey links and collects the online answers, as well as combines the material for reporting. CSC processes direct personal data during data collection and the survey data without the direct data when reporting the results. CSC discloses the personal data (contact information, background information and survey IDs) to TUPA so the survey and reminders can be sent and for analysis of the data.
TUPA, statistical research service of the University of Tampere, coordinates the implementation of career monitoring and processes personal data in order to send the survey and for analysing and reporting purposes. TUPA discloses university-specific data to each university, to Aarresaari, career service network of Finnish Universities and to CSC for national reporting of national survey data. Data can be disclosed to partners (such as professional associations) for research purposes, excluding any personal data from which data subjects can be directly identified. In addition, data is also disclosed, without any identifiable personal data, to the Finnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD) for archiving and more detailed anonymisation for later research use. The data will be reported publicly so that no single individual can be identified from the results.
We have taken care of your data protection with our subcontractors by drafting processing agreements for the processing of personal data.
9. Transfer of data outside the EU or EEA
Will registered data be transferred to a third country or an international organisation outside the EU or EAA? ☒ No ☐ Yes, please specify: |
10. Register protection principles |
A manual data
-Response forms returned by survey respondents as paper versions are mailed directly to TUPA for registration. After registration, they are sent to Åbo Akademi, which stores the paper forms for 2 years. The purpose of the storage is to make it possible to verify the digitized version in case of suspicion of possible errors in the input. The paper forms are destroyed 2 years after they have been digitally registered. |
B electronically processed data
– The survey answers and background information are stored electronically on Åbo Akademi University´s server. Identification information is stored separately on the server and only as long as the data collection for the survey is ongoing. Only employees with responsibilities to work with career monitoring surveys have access to the register, which is stored on a server that requires personal login with a password. |
11. Retention period for personal data or specification criteria for the retention period |
Data that makes it possible to identify individual informants is only saved until the material has been compiled; after compilation, the data is destroyed. Åbo Akademi stores material that does not contain direct identification data for 10 years. In addition, TUPA and CSC store material without direct identification data for reporting, e.g. to Vipunen for 10 years.
Finland’s social science data archive stores the data in anonymized form and thus cannot be linked to a person. Retention without identification information Identification information enabling the identification of respondents is retained in the register only until data is combined and later destroyed after the data has been processed. -TUPA will retain data from different years without any direct identification information for ten years in order to compile time series. -The university will retain data from different years without any direct identification information in its sub-register for ten years in order to compile time series.
The data will be stored in the Finnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD) anonymously, which means that it cannot be linked to individual people.
12. Information about the existence of automated decision-making or profiling and information about the logic of processing and its significance for data subjects |
The register data will be used for automated individual decisions, including profiling: ☒ No ☐ Yes, please specify:
13. Rights of the data subject
Under the EU’s General Data Protection regulation (EU 2016/679), data subjects have the right to view their data, have their data rectified or erased, have the processing of their data restricted, object to the processing of their personal data, as well as the to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.
Requests to exercise the rights of data subjects must be sent to the university to or Åbo Akademi, Domkyrkotorget 3, 20500 ÅBO
Data subjects have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority of their permanent place of residence or employment, if they consider that the processing of personal data is in breach of the GDPR (EU 2016/679). In addition, data subjects have the right to use administrative means of change management and other legal protection.
Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman Visiting address: Ratapihantie 9, 6th floor, 00520 Helsinki Postal address: P.O. Box 800, 00521 Helsinki Tel.: +358 29 56 66700 Fax: +358 29 56 66735 Email: