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CO-WRITE: Collaborative academic writing in hybrid learning spaces in higher education

CO-WRITE: Collaborative academic writing in hybrid learning spaces in higher education



Funded by

  • Högskolestiftelsen i Österbotten
  • Svenska kulturfonden (Svenska kulturfonden)
  • Budget

    335 000 euros

    Åbo Akademi University’s part of the budget

    335 000 euros (100%)

    The aim of the CO-WRITE project is to explore collaborative academic writing in hybrid learning spaces in higher education. The focus lies on the collaborative writing process, how it is shaped in relations between student–student and student–materialities (e.g. programs, applications, platforms, tools, course literature and generative AI), and what is used and happens in the writing processes. The project also has a particular interest in collaborative academic writing processes with generative AI and the implications generative AI brings to academic writing. Another focus is pedagogical with an interest in the implications that collaborative academic writing as a phenomenon can bring to higher education. The project is theoretically informed by posthumanist and sociomaterial theories. Post-qualitative inquiry is used to follow the phenomenon of collaborative academic writing and the actors (students and materialities) who participate in shaping it. The research design is twofold. Part I combines the methods of intra-view and media walk-along to explore which materialities are used in collaborative academic writing, how they are used, and why they are used. Part II focuses on observing and following students’ collaborative academic writing processes, and data is produced through screen recordings and video recordings of the writing processes, as well as intra-views with media walk-along and stimulated recall.

    Contact us

    Sofia Jusslin (Principal Investigator)

    University Lecturer 


    Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies

    Charlotta Hilli

    University Lecturer 


    Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies

    Fredrik Rusk

    Associate Professor (tenure track) 


    Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies

    Mindy Svenlin

    Doctoral Researcher 

    Doctoral Network at FPV 2020-2023

    Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies

    Jessica West

    Doctoral Researcher 

    School of Business and Economics common costs

    Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Economics, and Law
    To the project page in the research portal of Åbo Akademi University