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Computationally aided systems engineering for marine advanced technology for the environment

Computationally aided systems engineering for marine advanced technology for the environment



Project coordinator

University of Oulu

Other partners

  • Åbo Akademi University
  • University of Vaasa
  • Aalto University
  • Tampere University
  • Funded by

  • Business Finland (RRF-Tulevaisuuden avainlaat ja vetureiden kumppanuushankkeet)
  • Budget

    3 000 000 euros

    Åbo Akademi University’s part of the budget

    300 000 euros (10%)

    CASEMATE aims to advance Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) in engine development to advance the rapid market entry of zero-carbon fuels for marine and power generating applications. The target is to combine combustion development, controls, and mechanical lifetime assessment into a single optimization loop by investigating the methods needed for cross-connected disciplines. Special emphasis is put on creating predictive capabilities for virtual validation of zero-carbon fuel engines. 

    Project scope includes the research of MBSE methodology and rapid system simulation tools for cross-domain modelling. High-level use cases addressed by CASEMATE include the closed-loop optimization and development of the engine combustion concept and the durability and wear assessment for H2 and NH3 fuels, along with an engine level reliability assessment and the further reuse of the developed system model as part of product data in the customer interfaces. To support these goals, domain-specific technology is studied in the key areas with the target of creating meta-models suitable for utilization on the system level. A demonstrator is built around the utilization of the engine model for the closed-loop control optimization in an SCR application.

    Contact us

    Jari Böling (Principal Investigator)

    Senior Researcher 

    Laboratory of Process and Systems Engineering

    Faculty of Science and Engineering

    Jerker Björkqvist


    Information Technology

    Faculty of Science and Engineering
    To the project page in the research portal of Åbo Akademi University