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Oodi An ode to the collaboration between One-Stop Guidance Centres and educational institutions

Oodi An ode to the collaboration between One-Stop Guidance Centres and educational institutions



Project coordinator

Åbo Akademi University

Other partners

  • HAMK Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu
  • JAMK Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu
  • Funded by

  • Närings-
  • trafik- och miljöcentralen i Norra Österbotten
  • Budget

    846 282 euros

    Åbo Akademi University’s part of the budget

    279 463 euros (33%)

    The objective of the ‘An ode to collaboration between One-Stop Guidance Centres and educational institutions’ project is to strengthen and expand collaboration between education providers and One-Stop Guidance Centres. The project identifies under-represented groups at the interface between educational institutions and One-Stop Guidance Centres and develops operational and structural models and methods for supporting their studies and their participation and engagement in education.

    The EU-funding enables a new kind of development cooperation between One-Stop Guidance Centres and educational institutions and universities, to find solutions to challenges surrounding the participation of young adults in education. As a result from this, operational models are expected that will be useful in the national development work within continuous learning.

    The project works closely with the JOPPI – Jatkuvan oppimisen Suomi (Finland of Continuous Learning) coordination project and the KEHA Centre’s transdisciplinary services support team.

    Contact us

    Camilla Stenbäck

    Education Planner 

    Centre for Lifelong Learning

    Linda Ahlbäck

    Education Planner 

    Centre for Lifelong Learning

    Cilla Nyman

    Education Planner 

    Centre for Lifelong Learning

    Satu Laitila

    Project Manager 

    Centre for Lifelong Learning
    To the project page in the research portal of Åbo Akademi University