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Regional Ecosystem for Continuous Learning

Regional Ecosystem for Continuous Learning



Project coordinator

City of Turku

Other partners

  • Åbo Akademi University
  • Turku University of Applied Sciences
  • Raision seudun koulutuskuntayhtymä Raseko
  • Lounais-Suomen koulutuskuntayhtymä – Novida
  • Linnasmäen opisto
  • Funded by

  • Mellersta Finlands ELY-central (Europeiska socialfonden
  • Målsättning 4.2. Ny kompetens i arbetslivet)
  • Åbo Akademi University’s part of the budget

    160 814 euros

    The goal of the project is to create a strategy for continuous learning for the region of Southwest Finland (Finland Proper), as well as a regional ecosystem of continuous learning as its implementation. The project is a result of far-ranging regional collaboration and the jointly recognized need for a better coordination for the learning services aimed at the working-age population. Continuous learning is seen as a necessity for both the flexibility and competitiveness of the regional economy. A prerequisite for a flexible economy is the ability of the work force to adapt and move horizontally from one field to another in similar-level jobs, while competitiveness requires increases in productivity that presuppose the ability of the work force to move horizontally to more demanding jobs and professions. On an individual level, continuous learning is a crucial factor in reaching one’s personal potential as well as in creating social and economic well-being.

    The project is built upon three themes and a total of eight work packages as follows:
    Wp 1. Working life relevance, competitiveness and employment
    Wp 2. Foresight and forecasting future needs in continuous learning
    Wp 3. Guidance and support in continuous learning

    Wp 4. Liberal adult education as a service provider
    Wp 5. Vocational education as a service provider
    WP 6. Institutions of higher learning as service providers
    WP 7. Swedish-language continuous learning services

    WP 8. Regional ecosystem for continuous learning

    The project runs from September 1st, 2023 to December 31st, 2025, and it will be carried out by the following consortium:
    – The City of Turku (main partner)
    – Novida – Vocational and General Upper Secondary Education and Training
    – Raisio Regional Education and Training Consortium
    – Turku Christian Institute
    – Turku University of Applied Sciences
    – Åbo Akademi University

    Contact us

    Mona Riska

    Education Manager 

    Centre for Lifelong Learning

    Majlen Saarinen

    Education Manager 

    Centre for Lifelong Learning

    Janne Roslöf


    Centre for Lifelong Learning

    Eija Laitinen

    Study Advisor 

    Educational Services

    University Services

    Carina Gräsbeck

    Education Planner 

    Centre for Lifelong Learning
    To the project page in the research portal of Åbo Akademi University