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Guidelines for open scholarship

Guidelines for open scholarship

Åbo Akademi University is responsible for supporting and facilitating opportunities for staff and affiliated to conduct research activities and teaching in a more open and transparent manner.

Guidelines for the organisation

  • ÅAU provides support, services and infrastructure to enable staff and affiliated to engage in open science in their work. Open science can be an element of all kinds of research projects, regardless of research area or subject. This also includes support for researchers who wish to incorporate elements of citizen science or other forms of participatory research in their projects, as well as support for researchers in promoting open science in business collaborations.
  • ÅAU develops incentives for researchers and teachers who promote open science in their work.
  • ÅAU develops indicators to monitor responsible and open research practices within the organisation according to national and international guidelines.
  • ÅAU regards open science as a cross-cutting element that permeates the entire organisation and requires internal collaboration to enable its impact on research and teaching.
  • Sustainable cost models for open science are an important issue for the future. ÅAU aims to contribute to this development through its activities according to national and international guidelines.

Updated 25.6.2024