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Doctoral Network: Chemical Engineering (GSCE)

The doctoral training network Graduate School in Chemical Engineering (GSCE) consists of 31 laboratories at four universities: Aalto University School of Chemical Technology, Lappeenranta University of Technology, the University of Oulu and Åbo Akademi University.

The aim of the GSCE is to raise the profile of and intensify post-graduate education within the field of chemical engineering in Finland. The goal is to maintain the high standard of the doctoral dissertations and to shorten the time required for earning a degree to four years. The GSCE further aims to prepare the students for meeting the demands of modern industry in an international environment, both professionally and socially.

This is accomplished by offering the students high-quality postgraduate courses, seminars and active supervision as well as providing a closely-knit support network for students, researchers and supervisors alike. The future positioning of doctors in the industry is secured through maintaining close contact with the industries and companies making use of chemical engineering in their business. Furthermore, in the form of well-educated doctors, the GSCE maintains a continuous flow of advanced chemical engineering knowledge into new application areas, such as in the development of sustainable processes and products.

GSCE Network Leader: Professor Henrik Saxén


Updated 10.2.2022