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Accessibility statement for the research portal of Åbo Akademi University

Accessibility statement for the research portal of Åbo Akademi University

This is the accessibility statement for AboCRIS, the Åbo Akademi University Research Information System and its portal https://research.abo.fi.

Created on 22.4.2022
Updated 25.4.2022

website: https://research.abo.fi

State of accessibility of the digital service

The digital service meets the accessibility requirements partially. The accessibility of the service has been audited by the system supplier Elsevier B.V. Full details of known issues can be found in the supplier’s Web Accessibility Statement. The shortcomings and issues identified in the assessment will be resolved as soon as possible.

Non-accessible content which is not subject to the requirements of the legislation

The full-texts of publications and other files published in the portal are not produced, financed or controlled by Åbo Akademi University itself and are therefore not covered by the Digital Services Act. Primarily, these include open access versions of research articles originally published by scientific publishers and self-archived by the authors themselves. Publication records and other content in the portal may also include supporting documents produced independently by the individual researchers.

Accessibility feedback

If you would like to report an accessibility issue with the portal, please contact us via email abocris@abo.fi or by submitting your request in the portal contact form at https://research.abo.fi/en/contact/index

Supervisory authority

If you notice any accessibility issues on the website, first send feedback to the site administrator (address above). Please note that it may take up to 14 days for a reply to be sent to you. If you are not satisfied with the reply, or if you do not receive any response within two weeks, you may report this to the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland. More detailed information on how to submit your report and how the matter will be handled is available on the website of the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland.

Contact details of the supervisory authority

Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland
Saavutettavuuden valvonnan yksikkö (supervisory unit for accessibility)
Tel. +358 295 016 000  (switchboard)

Updated 25.4.2022