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Research Seminars in Organization and Management

Research Seminars in Organization and Management

You are warmly welcome to attend the forthcoming and truly exciting research seminars in Organization and Management 2022-2023, organized by senior lecturer Dr. Astrid Huopalainen (ahuopala@abo.fi), Åbo Akademi University. The seminar series presents ongoing and critical work in management and organization studies with invited guest speakers from top business schools and universities from the Nordic countries.


Time: 13.00 – 14.30, all times Finnish time zone (EET). The seminars take place over Zoom.

Zoom link: https://aboakademi.zoom.us/j/68729128409

Meeting ID: 687 2912 8409


9 November 2022:

Wednesday 9.11 at 13.00-14.30 (EET) “New perspectives on Innovation” with Professor Karin Berglund, Stockholm Business School, Stockholm University, Sweden

Bio: Karin Berglund is Professor in business with specialization in entrepreneurship at Stockholm University. She has paid interest to the expansion of conventional entrepreneurship to new contexts and emerging forms of alternative entrepreneurship. The overarching research interest lies in studying the emergence of these entrepreneurships as part of an enterprise culture and to contribute to critical management, organization and entrepreneurship studies. She has edited a book on societal entrepreneurship and her research has been published in Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Scandinavian Journal of Management, Ephemera, Action Research International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, Tamara Journal of Critical Organization Journal of Enterprising Communities, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing.

Wednesday 7.12 at 13.00 – 14.30 (EET) with TBA

Wednesday 11.1 at 13.00 – 14.30 (EET) with TBA


8 February 2023:

Wednesday 8.2 at 13.00 – 14.30 (EET) “New perspectives on Ethics and the Ethics of Care”, with Associate Professor Janet Johansson, Linköping University, Sweden

Bio: Dr Janet Johansson is a Senior Lecture from the Department of Management and Engineering at Linköping University. Her current research focus lies in Business Ethics, Gender Equality and Critical Diversity Management Studies. She uses alternative ethical theories (feminist care ethics) to critically analyze normative practices that causes inequality, unjust and marginalization of some individuals in organizations.


8 March 2023:

Wednesday 8.3 at 13.00–14.30 (EET) “The Ambiguities of Diversity Work and the Significance of Trying”, with Professor Anette Risberg, Norway Inland University, Norway

Bio: Annette Risberg is a professor of organization and management at the Department of Organization, Management, and Governance, the Norway Inland University. Her research focuses on practices of diversity management in general and the inclusion of immigrants in organizations. She publishes in international scholarly journals and her work has appeared in journals, such as Human Relations, Organization, Human Resource Management Journal, Ephemera, Culture and Organization, Business Horizon, and the Scandinavian Journal of Management and numerous book chapters. She is the co-editor of several books among them Organizational Diversity Research Methods and Diversity in Organizations.


12 April 2023:

Wednesday 12.4 at 13.00 – 14.30 (EET) “Craft, Craft Brewing and Sustainability”, with Associate Professor Stephan Schaefer, Lund University, Sweden

Bio: Stephan Schaefer is Senior Lecturer in Organization Studies, Lund University, Sweden. His general research interests are within organization and management studies and qualitative research methods such as phenomenological-interpretative approaches. Stephan is particularly interested in and has published on topics such as reflections and ignorance in managerial work; the role of critical research in organizational practices; the impact of digitalization and technology on organizations and methodological questions such as source criticism in interview-based research. During 2016 and 2017 he coordinated and worked with an interdisciplinary research group studying the impact of the digital age on work and organizations. More recently, Stephan has studied the role of craft in sustainable development. This is an ongoing research project that just got funded and Stephan is happy to talk about that at the seminar. Dr. Schaefer is also about to publish a monograph “Organizing Creativity” which takes a (critical) process perspective on creativity.


10 May 2023:

Wednesday 10.5 at 13.00 – 14.30 (EET) “Critical Perspectives on Corporate Performance Cultures”, with Professor Torkild Thanem, Stockholm Business School, Stockholm University, Sweden

Bio: Torkild Thanem is Professor of Management and Organization Studies at Stockholm Business School, Stockholm University. His research focuses on the body in the organization and the ethical and political ramifications thereof. In his previous research, Torkild has studied the realms of workplace health promotion, consultancy firms, transgender politics, leadership, and urban planning. With funding from the Swedish Research Council, he recently completed an ethnographic study of a Swedish sportswear company where management assumes that fit employees perform better. Currently, Professor Thanem finishes a book on corporate performance cultures, a project that he is happy to speak about at the research seminar.

Updated 21.9.2022