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Study programmes

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Master’s Degree Pro­gramme in Ad­van­ced Prac­tice Nur­sing

The Master’s Degree Programme in Advanced Practice Nursing programme in Clinical Caring Science offers advanced clinical competencies for practice nurses.

Master’s Degree Pro­gramme in Teaching and Learning

This two year master’s degree course at the Vasa campus of Åbo Akademi University will prepare and enable students to become fully capable of independently analyzing and solving problems in education and teaching, whilst developing their skills through research. The programme leads to a Finnish Teacher’s Certificate. This is one of several requirements needed to qualify as a teacher in Finland.

Magisterprogram i peace, mediation and conflict research.

Master’s Degree Pro­gramme in Peace,­ Me­dia­tion and Con­flict Re­search

Targeted at those seeking to create a positive impact on society, this master’s degree programme aims to prepare its students for professional activity in both interpersonal and international conflict situations.

Böcker på ett skåp.

Master’s Degree Pro­gramme in Inter­national­ Law­ and­ Human­ Rights

The Master’s Degree Programme in International Law and Human Rights is designed to prepare its graduates for challenging careers in international organisations, non-governmental organisations, public administration or legal practice.

Master’s Degree Pro­gramme in Soc­ial Ex­clu­sion

In the midst of today’s rapidly evolving societies, the number of people suffering from a combination of poverty, deprivation of legal rights, and cultural as well as social isolation is proving to be a growing global issue.

Studerande vid en dator.

Master’s Degree Pro­gramme in Bio­medi­cal­ Ima­ging

With an ever-increasing dependency on technological processes in science, biomedical imaging has become a popular choice for those with a background in subjects ranging from biosciences to engineering.

Master’s Degree Pro­gramme in Information­ Tech­nology

Developed with industry standards in mind, this two-year programme aims to equip students with a solid understanding of computation, communication and information processing in the context of our fast-changing society.

Master’s­ Degree­ Pro­gramme­ in­ Sus­tain­able Che­mi­cal and­ Pro­cess Engi­nee­ring

Like many of the programmes available at ÅAU, this programme has been carefully structured to ensure that graduates are not only equipped with the necessary skills to succeed within their chosen career, but also, to ensure that they are adaptable to the ever-changing face of modern industries.


Master’s­ Pro­gramme­ in ­Bio­sciences

Through research and practical application, a bioscientist can save human and animal lives, develop new cures for diseases or come up with methods and products to save the world's maritime regions.

Gult hus i Åbo med solljus mellan trädtopparna.

Master’s­ Pro­gramme­ in­ Finnish­ Language

Admission to the Master’s Programme only entitles you to earn a Master of Arts degree. You must therefore first earn your Bachelor's degree/lower university degree in order to be eligible for admission.

Master’s Degree Pro­gramme in Governance­ of­ Digi­tali­zation

The master programme combines latest knowledge from the fields of information systems and information studies in a unique way that gives its graduates a comprehensive and cross-disciplinary competence.

Magisterprogram i tyska.

Master’s­ Pro­gramme­ in­ Ger­man­ Language­ and­ Litera­ture

The master level studies in German Language and Literature requires good knowledge of German.