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Didactics for Visual Art Education, teacher training (minor subject)

Didactics for Visual Art Education, teacher training (minor subject)

Didactics for Visual Art Education

Didactics for Visual Art Education includes areas of competence in visual culture and communications as well as the various areas of visual art. The subject content includes learning, multiliteracy, aesthetics and contemporary art. The didactic principles of the subject are derived from art education. Through a multimodal interpretation and production of art education, art and visual culture form the student’s learning identity, while their scientific, pedagogical and cultural awareness are enhanced.

Didactics for Visual Art Education offers elective studies (5 cr) and subject studies (25 cr).  The courses are advanced studies and are given every other year. Courses are spread out over 2 academic years. The module includes, among other things, a course in project work (5 cr). Project work can comprehend, for example: a theme on art/visual culture as an impression, expression and/or social critique; art education; art history; contemporary art; art-oriented learning; artistic processes; multiliteracy; art and sustainable development along with art and environmental consciousness.

Didactics for Visual Art Education also includes the teacher student’s practical training. The practical training periods for Basic practice and Subject practice are offered in co-operation with the Vaasa Teacher Training School. Field practice can also be carried out at other schools.

Didactics for Visual Art Education works in close co-operation with visual art instruction at the Vaasa Teacher Training School. Research and development projects are conducted for grades 1-6 at the Vaasa Teacher Training School. The Vaasa Teacher Training School general upper secondary school has a visual art programme, providing students with an opportunity to earn a general upper secondary school diploma in visual art.


Visiting address

Rantakatu 2


Åbo Akademi University, Vaasa
Didactics for Visual Art Education
PL 311
FI-65101 Vaasa