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Home Economics (minor subject)

Home Economics (minor subject)

Home Economics

Our daily household tasks affect our living environment, both now and in the future. Students of Home Economics will learn how individuals can carry out their daily tasks sustainably from a local, national and global perspective. You can choose to study Home Economics as a short minor (25 credits). You can also apply for study right for 60 credits, which will give you teacher’s qualification for Home Economics provided that you have completed pedagogical studies for teachers (60 credits).

Your studies will provide you with knowledge and skills needed in everyday life. Subjects included are food and food preparation, healthy diets, household care and its resources. The education is based on principles for sustainable development. The studies are research-based and give you a scientific foundation for your future career in the field.


Visiting address

Rantakatu 2


Åbo Akademi University, Vaasa
PL 311
FI-65101 Vaasa