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Speech and Language Pathology

Speech and Language Pathology

Major subject – Speech and Language Pathology

The ability to communicate is essential for all of us. Most of us communicate through speech, but in case of speech impediments there are other means of communication available, such as sign language, Blissymbolics or technical aids. Speech and Language Pathology is a discipline that studies various communicative functions, including voice, speech and language, but it also includes functions related to eating and swallowing. Research in Speech and Language Pathology deals with various disorders regarding these functions, their treatment and the effects of treatment. An education in Speech and Language Pathology will give you the competence to identify and treat disturbances in the ability to communicate, speech, language and voice, both in children and adults. The cases may involve, for example, adults with voice disorders or aphasia, or children with linguistic disorders or a stutter.

Studies in Speech and Language Pathology will provide you with the scientific, clinical and integrated knowledge for your career as a speech therapist. The studies include both theoretical courses and practical training. The courses for a Bachelor’s degree cover various subject areas within Speech and Language Pathology. At Master’s level, you can specialise in a particular area by selecting the advanced and elective courses of your choice. Your degree can also include other subjects, such as Psychology, Linguistics and relevant Medical studies, including paediatric and adult neurology and phoniatrics. Speech and Language Pathology is actively involved in co-operation with various universities abroad, so you will have an opportunity to travel abroad for exchange studies. Those majoring in other subjects can study Speech and Language Pathology as a short minor subject.

Research in Speech and Language Pathology is interdisciplinary and includes communication functions, their disorders and their treatment.

At Speech and Language Pathology at Åbo Akademi, the focus is on child language, adults with acquired communication problems and research into vocal ergonomics.

Within the subject, research is conducted on:

  • Children’s language
  • Multilingualism
  • Learning, school and teaching
  • Adult neurology, language and swallowing
  • Voice, sound environment and participation



Visiting address

Arken, M, ground floor
Tehtaankatu 2



+358 2 215 31