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Major subject – Musicology

Music is present in our daily lives and a large number of people work with music, even if they are not necessarily musicians themselves. Studies in Musicology provide you with extensive knowledge on the various music styles throughout history and across different cultures. The musicological studies comprehensively cover classical music, jazz, folk, world music and Finland-Swedish music. Musicology provides you with tools for understanding today’s musical phenomena while at the same time providing you with new insights into the history of music. The musicological studies develop not only your knowledge in musical culture and theory, but also your creativity and analytical skills.

As a student of Musicology, you can freely combine your studies with other subjects according to your interests and career plans. Typical minor subjects include other subjects in the field of culture, history, philosophy, social sciences or economics, or any of the separate minor subjects, such as digital humanities, intercultural communication, cultural management, information administration, archival science, museology, or media and communication.  You can also travel abroad within exchange programmes for studies in your major subject or to complete a minor subject module. Musicology may even be studied as a minor subject by students majoring in other subjects.

Musicological research is conducted extensively within the subject. Traditionally, the staff members have had a special interest in Jean Sibelius and the musical cultural heritage, not least due to the close connection with the Sibelius Museum.  Finland-Swedish music culture has also been studied from a number of different perspectives. Individual researchers have focused on a wide variety of areas: research of music with a cultural analytic and gender research approach, history of music, identity, popular music, music and sports, choral music, singing and well-being, music and technology, DJ activities, cultural heritage issues, music and missionary work.


Visiting address

Arken, D, first floor
Tehtaankatu 2



+358 2 215 31